WDStack Digest: June 2016

The very best of Web design and development

WD Stack
4 min readJun 29, 2016


June turned out to be an interesting month on WDstack. A diverse collection of projects, apps and tools were selected that range the entire span of design & development. We’re still seeing that new JavaScript libaries, design curations, and CSS guides (especially flexbox) are most popular with the community. There were also several new API’s and API projects added to the stack in June. Onto the list…


Javascript animation engine. Anime (/ˈæn.ə.meɪ/) is a flexible yet lightweight Javascript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects…

Stacked Pages

Here’s a Material design example for a scrolling one page layout with multiple sections that are stacked on each other. As you scroll, the current page..


A curation of beautiful websites and designer resources…

Medium Editor

A highlight text inline editor similar to the one on Medium.com It’s a WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution…

Color Hunt

Curated collection of beautiful colors, updated daily…


PatternFly is an open source web user interface framework promoting consistency and usability across IT applications through UX patterns and widgets…

Site See

A curated gallery of beautiful, modern websites…

Pixel Art to CSS

Draw and animate Pixel Art, export the results to CSS and share or download them…

Todd Motto’s Public APIs

Public-apis is a collective list by Todd Motto of public JSON APIs for use in web development. Find free, random, mock data sources for use in your dev..


Responsive Screenshot + Mockup App. High-resolution mockups showcase your mobile website design…


Finally, a distributed content management service based on Javascript. Add editing capabilities to your existing website without using a CMS. Make your..

One App

Read posts from Reddit, Hacker News, Product Hunt, Slashdot and other sources all in one place…

Flex Layout Attribute

Layout helper based on CSS flexbox specification designed to serve you as quick flexbox shorthand by using two custom html attributes — ‘layout’ and ‘self’:..


Find and generate color schemes for Web design Generate infinite color palettes for your designs and share, export or save it in your profile…


UIPalette is a place where you can find all of the latest web design related UI colors, trends and tools for free…


Mobile devices, in Responsive Web Design, relate to a core value which is the value of CSS width or (“device-width”), in CSS Device Independant Pixels,..


Nuclide is built as a single package on top of Atom to provide hackability and the support of an active community. It provides a first-class development..


Stencil lets you add text to any image from anywhere on the web…


Fake online REST API for developers. A collection of JSON APIs to generate mock random data like posts, photos, albums, etc.. for various Web development..

Originally published at www.wdstack.com



WD Stack

Editor__ the ultimate list of Web design & development