Uninvited Change

a Guest Post by Eli Inspirations

Teresa Irizarry
We are all Overcomers
2 min readSep 18, 2017


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Life can change so drastically | It can happen in a blink | Your world can be build one way |Then just after you wink

You open up your eyes| And nothing it the same | That’s just the way it is my friend| Nothing is to blame

We all share this in common|That’s imminent throughout creation|Is a life that’s filled with struggles|Sudden changes and alterations

There is change that happens gradually|Or sometimes within an instance|Some made by our own actions|Yet some with no assistance

Sometimes we’re not prepared|For this unexpected change|Then we become acquainted with |A life that is estranged

Broken Pieces and some heartache|There are things that will be missed|But in every human heart|There’s a power that does exist

The power to rebuild |To link up with the source|To get the strength we need|To get us back on course

The creator of our being|Has built us not to fail|Through the winterish coldest valleys|Or the driest heated hell

The darts that puncture through us|Never can be fatal|For when we lack the strength to move|He rocks us in His cradle

Until we gain momentum|That puts us back in play|Enables us to remember|But takes the pain away

So to the one who’s hurting|Be strong and clinch your fists|And keep your hope alive|For there’s angels in our midst

Originally untitled as a part of a collection of unpublished poems, named “Poetic Confessions of a Winner!”, copyright 2014, reprinted with permission.



Teresa Irizarry
We are all Overcomers

Author of Rekindled, a historical fiction about Roger Williams.