Dragons Don’t Like Being Pets

Stories for kids on the Spectrum #1

My Honest Take
We Are Almost There


Art created by Ziare Waverly

“Humans are thoughtless, heartless
creatures that don’t know the
very meaning of their own existence”
~ Odmar The Dragon Elder, 1328 bc

The campfire of discussion is where everyone meets to talk, chat and of course discuss. The children were intrigued by a conversation about Dragons. The conversation was of course started by the 4 year old Shi’hera (master of fantasy thinking and teacher of how to bring imagination to life). But tonight she wanted to share her story about one day owning a pet Dragon:

“One doy I will own a pet Dragon” Shi’hera said innocently with a deep, sort lost look in her eyes. Shi’hera can manifest just about anything from her imagination. She can make fireflies appear in her dorm room, she can manifest clouds in shapes of creatures and she even manifested a live Faery once!

But a Dragon is the only thing she cannot bring from her imagination, into our world. She can change a cloud into a Dragon, but she cannot seem to manifest a real Dragon. Many believe it is from an incident that happened
last year when Shi’hera woke up one night to see a live Dragon staring into her room through the window. It scared her so much that her mind now is too afraid…

