GrantAdvisor UK launches as a permanent platform — for all UK grantseekers and funders

CAST Writers
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2023
Person sitting at a laptop, with the overlaid text: What can grantseekers do on GrantAdvisor UK? • Leave anonymous reviews for any UK funder • Browse hundreds of independent funder reviews • Discover what funders had to say in response

GrantAdvisor UK’s new platform has launched today. You can now read and submit reviews of any UK grantmaker.

This means you can learn about others’ experiences and build your own insight into funders without having to have years of experience of applying to them.

Even better, when you submit a review it gets sent to the funder (anonymously) and posted on the site so others can read about your experience. In this way, just like with TrustPilot or Google Business everyone benefits from the actions of a few.

Funder insight and intelligence should be available to all

For 25 years, charities have been using commercial and not-for-profit services to get basic data on trusts and foundations. At the same time experienced trust fundraisers have built up their personal knowledge of funders.

However, times change and the UK voluntary sector expects funders to be more transparent about who they fund, how much and how long for. A few years ago 360Giving’s GrantNav moved the goalposts on this.

But more is needed to make funding fair, inclusive and to make its intelligence available to all. Many funders agree and are seeking to listen better to the organisations and communities they exist to support.

GrantAdvisor UK comes out of ‘Beta’

For the last few years, CAST has been testing a way to change this, through the GrantAdvisor Beta (prototype) service. 15 funders signed up. Sophie Woodward of Paul Hamlyn Foundation told us about its impact on them:

“The GrantAdvisor UK pilot flagged two consistent themes: that we’re not always easy to reach by phone, and our application forms take too long to complete. We’re working on improving both of these in order to be a more responsive and inclusive funder.” Sophie Woodward of Paul Hamlyn Foundation

‍Today, GrantAdvisor UK comes out of beta and becomes a full service.

Why GrantAdvisor UK is good for charities

If you’re a charity or social impact organisation, you can:

  • Leave anonymous reviews for any funder, even if its not yet listed — helping others and letting the funder know about your experience
  • See others’ experiences of applying to funders — including how long it takes to complete the application process
  • See others’ experience of funders, and what funders had to say in response
  • Show support for — or share a negative experience of -any funder

All feedback is anonymous and public by design. This helps feedback be honest, granular and user-led.

Do you have a view on the UK grantmaker/s you’ve sought funding from? Could you share your views — anonymously — to help funders & peers? If so, please leave a review on the GrantAdvisor UK platform.

Why GrantAdvisor UK is good for funders

If you’re a funder you get:

  • Ratings of what you are good at (similar to peer reviews for skills on LinkedIn)
  • Ratings for your accessibility
  • Granular feedback on what you are doing well
  • Advice on what you could do better
  • Space to respond to reviews

This is the type of data that can help you become more responsive and accessible to the organisations and causes you want to fund.

Also, if you encourage your grantees and applicants to leave a review then it shows everyone your commitment to openness and fairness. If you are a UK funder, please add your organisation to the GrantAdvisor UK site.

If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder, what would it be? “The fact you are not able to reapply within 12 months means that all that (initial) energy, will and skill is mothballed. I would really like to see the ability to tweak and resubmit while energy and investment in the project from the partners is still high.”
A genuine GrantAdvisor UK review, with advice from a grantseeker to a grantmaker



CAST Writers

The Centre for Acceleration of Social Technology — upskilling and upscaling social sector organisations to use technology for accelerated social change.