Upshot data workshop — Getting Started with Data and Insight

Preeti Shetty
CAST Writers
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2023

Collecting data the right way

The third workshop delivered by Upshot for the Innovation and Digital Accelerator programme was focused on Collecting Data the right way, and covered topics such as keeping in mind Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), the principles of GDPR and Safeguarding and the Ethics of data collection.

We kicked off the session discussing characteristics that might be hidden and the importance of building trust when collecting data from groups that we don’t normally engage with. We discussed the difference between Equity and Equality and the importance of embedding the principles of EDI within our programmes and our data collection.

We looked at the 7 principles of GDPR and the things we need to be aware of when designing our data collection and what sort of data is necessary vs nice to have when it comes to safeguarding. On the subject of safeguarding, we learned about the importance of training staff and making them aware of their responsibilities.

We then did a short exercise around why participants would want to share personal information with a National Governing Body (NGB) and the benefits to the individual themselves. We showed a Venn diagram (below) of some reasons why participants might not want to share personal data and how we can mitigate their concerns.

We covered some of the ethics around data collection and some tips and principles to bear in mind. The four C’s (below) were shared and discussed including the importance of gaining active consent and clear communication with participants directly around what the data will be used for.

The topic of intersectionality was discussed in terms of how different aspects of a person’s identity, such as ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation, shape their experiences of advantage/disadvantage and discrimination/privilege. And the importance of consulting and including people with lived experience when designing your programmes as well as your data collection.

Finally, we ended with some ideas to help continue developing an inclusive data collection culture and specifically touched upon accountability, transparency and openness.

You can download the full slide deck here.

