Upshot data workshop — Getting Started with Data and Insight

Preeti Shetty
CAST Writers
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2023

Data collection during delivery

The fourth workshop delivered by Upshot for the Innovation and Digital Accelerator programme was focused on Data collection during delivery , and covered topics such as the different types of data, you can collect, the stages and scenarios in which you collect data, the benefits of different tools and techniques of data collection and how to manage risks of data collection in your project management lifecycle.

We kicked off the session with exploring the different types of data we can collect — participant data, attendance data, feedback data, outcomes data and impact data. We then looked at the different stages of data collection — Pre session, during delivery, post session and post programme.

We started to explore how you would adapt your data collection in different scenarios starting with the Type of Delivery e.g. Online vs in person, small groups vs festivals; Frequency of Delivery e.g. one off or recurring and Purpose of Delivery e.g. to engage new people or retain existing members.

We then moved on to discussing the different tools you could use to collect data looking at things like booking systems, registration forms, taking registers and attendances, notes, photos, coach observations, surveys and feedback forms. We discussed some pros and cons of each and shared some good practice.

We considered the differences between using surveys and focus groups and what sample sizes are considered statistically significant and when to use which method. We also looked at some templates for pre and post mortems to understand the risks of a project and how to mitigate these ahead of time as well as how to ensure the learning from each project is being shared across the organisation.

Finally we talked about data value and data valuation to understand why we are collecting this data and what we want to do with it. You can download the full slide deck here.

