Upshot data workshop — Getting Started with Data and Insight

Preeti Shetty
CAST Writers
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2023

Planning your Measurement

The second workshop delivered by Upshot for the Innovation and Digital Accelerator programme was focused on Planning your measurement, and covered topics such as understanding Theories of Change (ToC) and logics models to ensure everyone knows what to measure and why.

We delved into the different elements of creating a ToC and why it is important to have one. A ToC is a visual representation of how we think change will be affected in our interventions and looks at the steps you are taking to get to the change you want to see, including articulating assumptions.

We also looked at the difference between a ToC and a logic model. We then explained how you could create a measurement/outcomes framework that visualises your impact, outcomes, outputs, KPIs and measurement tools.

This format is an easy exercise to go through with project teams and helps everyone understand where we are trying to get to and how we will get there, whilst clearly outlining the success metrics and data collections tools. This helps staff on the ground better understand how the data they collect feeds into the wider project goals.

Upshot outcomes framework

We recommended and shared some templates that could help the National Governing Bodies (NGBs) on the Innovation and Digital Accelerator programme build their own outcome/measurement frameworks. We then moved on to planning your data collection.

Once you know what you are trying to measure, then it is about understanding the different types of data you can collect — Participant data, Attendance data, Feedback data, Outcomes data and Impact Data. We discussed the differences and benefits of Quant vs Qual data and also looked at how to write SMART KPIs and come up with clear metrics for reporting.

The session ended with some discussion on which framework would work best for each NGB and how they would go about building their own and planning their measurement for their specific projects. You can download the full slide deck here.

