Weeknotes — Time to jAIm!

David Scurr
CAST Writers
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2023
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the characters from the animation film ‘The Mitchells vs the machines’. The header says ‘Welcome-let’s jam’.

It’s time to jam my friends…with new tech. AI more specifically. Have some fun with it. And hopefully find out how AI can help us in our work along the way, and how we feel about it all. Who knows, some of us might even find our new BFF down that AI rabbit hole! (“are you free tonight GPT?!”)

The latest charity digital skills report found that:

  • 66% are interested in making the best use of emerging technologies
  • 78 per cent of respondents agreed that AI was relevant to their charity and could transform it.
  • But over half of charities also said they were constrained by lack of time, resources or skills to engage with AI.

So how do you find the time to explore and get a feel for this exciting new tech?

Getting inspired by what others are doing
I had an ‘aha’ moment while facilitating one of our recent Digital Leads Network meetups and hearing how our network’s members finding space in their work to experiment with generative AI. There was an assumption that no one had time for it but actually many charities were really getting stuck in. Magid El-Amin from Catch22 in particular showcased brilliant ways in which they were experimenting with AI. He also shared that they allocate x amount of hours each per month to create space to play with tech and see how it can help their work. Others in the group also shared how they were making space for this. Aha! The joys of peer learning!

Inspired by others I pitched the idea to my colleagues of creating a new collaborative space to explore how new emerging tech can help us in our work (and beyond). The wonderful thing about working at CAST is that people welcome new ideas and get excited about innovation. So I buddy’ed up with my great colleague Natalie to create a simple ‘Tech Jam’ space. Knowing that everyone was time poor and didn’t really want more ‘meetings’, we’ve designed the space so part of the collaborative work can be done asynchronously. The first iteration is focused on AI and includes a space to :

  • Warm up — get some basic understanding of the new tech we’re experimenting with
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the ‘warming up’ section with a series of links to resources.
  • Share how we’re each feeling about AI -I was also inspired by Kat Dixon’s great work at Snook who ran a couple of sessions on AI for service designers (I borrowed the emotions matrix they used in the spirit of reuse, cheers!)
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the ‘how are you feeling about AI? section with an arrow pointing at an Emotions Matrix.
  • Share how each member of the team has been using the new tech in their daily work and which tools they’ve been using
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the ’how are you using AI?’ and ‘useful tools’ sections.
  • Share opportunities and risks
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the ‘opportunities and implications’ section.
  • Work together on next steps and things we want to do next
A screen shot of a Miro board showing the ‘practical things we want to do next’ and ‘inspiration and learning hub’ sections.

Most of the above tasks can be actioned asynchronously. We’ve then planned to meet for 75 minutes for some synchronous work, to make space for some live demo sharing, play back some of the case scenarios that have come up, as well as have some time to delve deeper into the opportunities for our work. Here’s hoping that this could be a first step towards carving out more space for some very important playing! I’ll share more of our AI findings in future weeknotes.

Resources to warm up
Keen to have a jam too? Here are some of the resources we shared with the team to ‘warm up’ ahead of our Tech Jam, in case you want to get involved with your team:

Are you experimenting with generative AI in your work? If so, get in touch, we’d love to find out you’re getting on, what’s helpful, and get inspired by others! Drop me a message on here or at david.scurr@wearecast.org.uk.



David Scurr
CAST Writers

Passionate about tech for good & community building / Programme Lead at CAST / Founder, Tech for Good Brighton / Founding Member, Tech for Good UK/ @david_scurr