What does ‘open’ mean to you?

Kicking off work with Sport England and CAST

Doug Belshaw
CAST Writers
2 min readJun 30, 2022


WAO recently started collaborating with Joe Roberson on some work around helping organisations affiliated with Sport England work more openly. We’re being funded for this work by CAST.

In our kick-off sessions with representatives of some of the 21 organisations involved with the programme, we asked two really simple questions. The first, at the beginning of the session was What does open mean to you?

Virtual sticky notes saying things like ‘fairness’ ‘accessible’ ‘transparency’
Start of first session
Virtual sticky notes saying things like ‘asking for help’ ‘sharing information’ ‘sharing and learning’
Start of second session

As you can see, the focus of these initial thoughts were on things like sharing knowledge, being transparent, and collaborating.

At the end of our short time together, we asked What does open mean to you now?

Virtual sticky notes saying things like ‘thinking differently’ ‘efficiency’ ‘community’
End of first session
Virtual sticky notes saying things like ‘being more accessible’ ‘inclusivity’ ‘power sharing’
End of second session

Even with a little bit of input and discussion, you can see the shift to words such as ‘inclusivity’ and phrases such as ‘being more accessible’ or ‘getting everyone involved’.

Next steps

Six modules between now and 2023 covering different elements of openness
An overview of the programme

We’re currently delivering synchronous writing workshops as part of Module 1, and are working on a slimmed down / more tailored version of our email-based course What We Talk About When We Talk About Open for Module 2. This will be delivered asynchronously over the summer.

Modules 3 through to 6 involve hybrid synchronous and asynchronous elements on a range of topics and will run from September through to early 2023. We’re looking forward to getting to know participants even better over the next few months!

