#08 weeklinks

Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2019

here are your Week Links, so you can kill a few minutes of your day.

Fyre — documentary

… that never actually happened. this documentary is pretty cool, it tells the whole story about Fyre Festival, this great and exclusive festival that turned into a nightmare. it went super viral, but nobody could quite understand what went wrong. the guy who organized it is even in jail now, it’s crazy.

We all had enough of the 10 years challenge, but wait…

this website compares the changes that super-famous websites (like google) had in the past 10 years. it’s pretty cool to see how the use of negative space and UX completely changed. others just adjusted a bit and haven’t changed that much — awesome that this was based off the # 10yearchallenge proposed by facebook.

A journey to find new music

this website has AMAZING UI, and it also leads us to discover music as we move the cursor, it’s really cool. it is very well done and even if it is not the most useful thing in the world, it’s worth taking a look and playing around.

Is the Universe a conscious mind?

cosmopsychism may seem crazy, but it provides a robust explanatory model for how the Universe became fine-tuned for life. if there was a tiny little difference, we would never be alive. so how could the universe know exactly what it needs to develop life?




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