Graham Media Combines Engagement & Solutions Journalism

Jennifer Brandel
We Are Hearken
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2023

Graham Media Group operates TV stations across four states. In recent years, they’ve made significant investments in reporting more solutions journalism. That is, not just reporting on the problems in any given community they cover, but also investigating and explaining, in a critical and clear-eyed way, how people try to solve widely shared problems. Their Solutionaries series has proven to be a popular offering across their stations and online.

At the same time, Graham Media has also been building their capabilities to do more engaged journalism: that is, involving the people they serve in the decision-making process for what they cover, and even featuring them in reporting. Hearken has supported a variety of their engagement strategies over the years, including replacing comments sections with question forms — which has led to fewer trolls and more productive feedback from the people they serve.

From our experience working with hundreds of newsrooms, we’ve seen lots of proof that solutions journalism and engaged, public-powered journalism complement each other beautifully — like peanut butter and jelly. Not only does engagement journalism often lead to solutions stories, but there is plenty of opportunity for weaving moments of participation into solutions reporting.

We hope more newsrooms who are already doing either solutions or engagement journalism start to combine the two approaches for even broader impact for increased trust with their communities, more relevant, resonant reporting and to inspire more people to pay for journalism.

In 2023, we worked with six newsrooms contributing toGraham’s Solutionaries series to incorporate engagement via Hearken’s philosophy and technology into their stories. Here’s a highlight reel of what they did and learned.

WKMG — Orlando, FL

The Experience of Suboptimal Transit

What They Did:

WKMG created a solutions-oriented story on commuter rail effectiveness in central Florida. They used Hearken to gather responses from the community about their experiences and thoughts on the existing rail system. One audience member’s response stood out, leading to a face-to-face interview offering an in-depth perspective.

What They Learned:

Through their use of Hearken, WKMG discovered the community’s dissatisfaction with the current north-south commuter rail route, emphasizing the need for an east-west expansion. Engaging directly with their audience provided valuable insights, allowing WKMG to focus their narrative on the audience’s concerns and address the underlying issues effectively.


The story generated substantial community engagement, with 75 responses. This approach not only enhanced the story’s credibility but also created a framework for future investigative pieces. WKMG’s interactive solutions story fostered a stronger connection with their audience, building trust and increasing community involvement.

KPRC — Houston, TX

Spotlighting Infrastructure Solutions

What They Did:

KPRC utilized Hearken to let the community decide which infrastructure topics to pursue based on their concerns. By narrowing down options to electric grid, flooding, or transportation, they invited the audience to tell the newsroom where to focus reporting. Traffic and transportation emerged as the winner, guiding KPRC’s investigative focus.

What They Learned:

By involving the audience in topic selection, KPRC tapped into the community’s concerns, ensuring their reporting directly addressed local needs. This approach not only highlighted the chosen topics but also indicated a high level of engagement and interest from the audience.


KPRC successfully integrated community preferences into their reporting, emphasizing the audience’s role in shaping news coverage. By showcasing this process in their story, they reinforced their commitment to addressing community concerns and needs, enhancing trust and credibility with their viewers.

KSAT — San Antonio, TX

Amplifying Public Concerns for Accountability

What They Did:

KSAT focused on the prevalent issue of potholes in San Antonio and nearby communities. Utilizing Hearken, they collected public submissions highlighting the problem. While exploring the topic, KSAT confronted local officials, using the collected submissions as evidence of public concern, holding authorities accountable.

What They Learned:

KSAT recognized the power of amplifying citizens’ voices through Hearken submissions. By showcasing these concerns to authorities, they instigated a conversation around accountability and transparency, pushing for tangible solutions to the identified problems.


KSAT’s approach demonstrated the importance of community-driven reporting. By directly confronting officials with the collected submissions, they emphasized the urgency of addressing public concerns. This engagement not only led to impactful reporting but also served as a catalyst for increased accountability in local governance. KSAT’s commitment to representing public interests strengthened their relationship with the community, positioning them as advocates for change.

These case studies from Graham Media show the diverse ways newsrooms effectively utilized solutions journalism with Hearken to engage communities, shape their reporting, and foster a deeper connection with their audience. This approach empowers citizens, amplifies their voices, and holds authorities accountable, ultimately strengthening the bond between the media and the communities they serve.

To learn more about Solutions Journalism, check out the variety of great resources from The Solutions Journalism Network. To learn more about Hearken and engagement journalism, check out our site and our blog.



Jennifer Brandel
We Are Hearken

Accidental journalist turned CEO of a tech-enabled company called Hearken. Founder of @WBEZCuriousCity Find me: @JenniferBrandel @wearehearken