Allie Mintz
We Are HoneyBook
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2019


HoneyBook’s Quarterly Award Winners

This week, we held one of our favorite rituals — our quarterly employee awards! We call them the HoneyAwards and they are a time to reflect back on the previous quarter and recognize each other for outstanding contributions. There are so many good things happening in the company and we like to create this space to acknowledge them.

We have two award categories: the Impact Award and the Core Value Award.

Impact Award: Nominated by Leadership

Our Leadership team chooses the winners with a focus on team effort/new initiative/project or outstanding performance of an individual. Leadership has the most visibility across the organization and has the best insight into what really made an impact this quarter.

Core Value Award: Nominated by all employees

This award is chosen by all employees via a Google form. We want to give employees the opportunity to recognize their peers and the contributions they are making. We ask people to nominate someone who has done an exceptional job of upholding our core values and to provide specific examples.

Our core values are:

People come first

We go the extra mile

We love what we do

We are fearless

We are family

The winners are announced in our weekly company meeting and besides the recognition from Leadership and peers, the winners are awarded with equity. My favorite part? All core values nominations are shared with those nominated, as well as their manager, whether you’ve won or not. It’s a fantastic form of recognition.

Take a look at our Impact and Core Value Award winners this quarter. Thank you to each of you for being strong contributors to our business and culture!

The members of the QA team are the unspoken heroes of our ProDev (Product & Development) Team. They are the gatekeepers of every single feature, giving everyone on the team the peace of mind that things aren’t going to fall apart. The amazing thing, is that there are only 3 of them! Out of a team of 40+ people — this is an incredible ratio. Thank you for allowing us to run fast and not break too many things, your impact is huge.

Kat has taken on a leadership role in the Business Development team and has continued to innovate to grow our Educator Program. HoneyBook Educators provide workshops, mentorship, and coaching to help creatives build sustainable businesses — their work elevates our industry. Kat is committed to building lasting relationships that add value to our Educators, increasing their reach and impact.

Kait is the definition of fearless — as our Community Support Manager she serves as the face of our brand in the creative economy. Everyday, Kait champions building the most inclusive, accessible, and diverse community in the industry.

Alon is amazing. This quarter he had the task of helping another team with a very specific area as part of a big initiative. He did it, and he did much more –he treated this project as if it were his own and took ownership of tasks and areas which were beyond his scope. He went many extra miles more than he was expected to, and it made a huge difference in the project’s release.

