The Principle Movie

The Copernican Principle Overturned

We are in a special place



What if everything we thought we knew about cosmology one day was overturned? What if suddenly, science was faced with the realization that in fact the earth is in a special place in the universe, and there is no getting around this evidence?

The Principle reveals that in fact, this is the case today!


In 2001, the WMAP satellite was launched. The analysis of images it returned years later shocked many cosmologists. Features in the universe that had been hinted at in previous missions (COBE) and various studies of the background radiation revealed in stark detail that there appeared to be a signal at the largest scales of the universe that know about us, and are aligned to us. This alignment threatened the cherished Copernican Principle- i.e., that we are not in a special place, to such a degree, it earned the title “the Axis of Evil”. Many other related and unrelated observations verify the axis. See my earlier article, Planck Satellite Confirms WMAP Findings: Universe is not Copernican.

Cosmologists, astrophysicists, and others brushed this signal off as an artifact. Dozens of academic papers were written to explain how these defects possibly could be created. Braver scientists who did not buy completely into the dogma did challenge many of these explanations, leaving a scant few challenges that could be seriously considered. The Planck mission launched in 2009, and returning its first dramatic images this March (2013) was designed to address these issues. When the Planck results returned in March 2013, the alignment showed up in yet even higher resolution and detail! It is now clear to all cosmologists that this signal exists. Yet little is heard about it. Entrenched establishments move slowly. Many are trying to spin this as a continuation of the established big bang theories, but some are willing to speak honestly about what is really happening. Some have even stepped forward to question cosmic inflation, a phenomenon without which the big bang theory would have been invalidated many years ago.


Stellar Motion LLC has produced a documentary film on the demise of the Copernican Principle. The film, The Principle is slated for release the Fall of 2014. Many cosmologists, physicists, etc, were interviewed including Michio Kaku of City University of NY, Max Tegmark of MIT, Lawrence Krauss of ASU, George F. R. Ellis of the Univ. of Cape Town, Julian Barbour of the Univ. of Cambridge, and many more. It is narrated by Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway of Star Trek) and contains spectacular animations by BUF Compagnie of Paris (life of Pi, etc.) and SaintsLA plus a soundtrack by Richard Robson Remix.

A trailer, movie release information, etc. is displayed on a Facebook page ( and website (


This movie has the potential to change our view of the universe, the earth, and ourselves as humans in a way that nothing has in modern times. Be prepared to reconsider everything you thought was fact, and be ready to reconsider who we are and why we are here.

