We’re looking for two exceptional people to fill out our first apprenticeship class.

Lisa DiVirgilio Arnold
We Are Mammoth
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2017

We Are Mammoth is a group of strategists, designers, and engineers turning transformative ideas into high-impact digital companies. We’re looking for two exceptional people to join us for our summer apprenticeship program:

  • A full-stack engineer
  • A customer-focused marketer

As an apprentice, you’ll get a taste for working on a fast-paced digital product team while developing the skills and experience that got you this far to begin with.

This summer’s program will join you with a team building a new product company called Kitt. It’s a healthcare data management venture which will dramatically improve the lives of people living with chronic illness.

Outside of your Kitt-related product development projects, you’ll be mentored by seasoned veterans who’ve been there and done that. They’ll show you how it’s done.

At the end of the session in September, you’ll have experience building a new company, working inside an existing one, and you’ll be considered for a full-time position at We Are Mammoth or Kitt afterward.

So, who’s our ideal apprentice?

While only a few years into your discipline, you’ve found you can pick up skills and jobs more quickly and naturally than most others. You’re eager to work with and learn from others who have been at it much longer than you. You love the idea of collaborating with people from other disciplines in other parts of the country. You’re a self-manager. You know your limits and your strengths. You can get things done when you say they’ll get done.

We’ll need your full commitment from July through September, 9am-5pm CT, Monday-Friday. While we’re based in Chicago, you can work from anywhere in the U.S. This is a full-time paid contract position that may result in full time employment.

If this sounds like your calling, please apply here for the full-stack engineering position or here for the customer-focused marketing position.

Have any questions? Email us at hello@wearemammoth.com. We will only review potential candidates who apply through the application forms linked above.



Lisa DiVirgilio Arnold
We Are Mammoth

Company builder. Writer. Dog rescuer. Antique collector and old home restorer.