Talking Back to ET

The Message, Questions, and Work


It is my conviction that ET is just as much concerned about nuclear warfare today in 2017 as they were back in the mid-20th century after we started exploding atomic bombs. The late astronaut, Captain Edgar Dean “Ed” Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, stated that senior United States military officials sighted UFOs while the U.S. government tested nuclear weapons during the 1940s. He was unwavering in his belief that the Visitors were here to prevent thermonuclear war breaking out between the United States and Russia. Mitchell explicitly stated that on July 16, 1945, in the White Sands deserts of the State of New Mexico, UFOs were seen in the skies during the world’s first nuclear weapons test.

It was roughly about that time that the extraterrestrials began talking to us. Frequently, the conversations were friendly, often starting out with automatic writing, telepathic links, and channeling, sometimes continuing as face-to-face meetings and even voyages aboard UFOs. During this time, there were a huge number of messages that humankind received from ET. In almost all of these messages, ET voiced its concern over humanity’s closeness to total nuclear annihilation.

Fast-forward to our time, currently there is a kind of ridicule and stigma within the community when any individual wants to talk about their face-to-face communication with extraterrestrial entities, or we see old movies of early UFO conventions and interviews with early contactees. I think this partly comes from the fact that we do not hear anything new. During the April 8, 2017 episode of my podcast, “The Place Inside,” I asked the question “Is there a UFO contactee truth embargo taking place to keep the most recent, up-to-date, hottest, messages from ET from reaching the public?” I theorized that the Elite and Shadow Government are deliberately working to keep the younger generation of contactees from having a forum in which to share their messages from ET with humanity.

The “contactee” stories we hear and read are mostly 50 to 70 years old and they sound dated and old-fashioned. It is important to realize that this is no accident: forces are actively working to suppress any consciousness-raising efforts on the part of the benevolent extraterrestrials and the human beings who are working with them to present a new quantum consciousness to the public. In short, the forces that control the world, do not want peace. They do not want us to learn new technologies that will help us to clean our air and environment.

The United States does not want peace in the world for one very central reason: The United States is the largest weapons manufacturer and dealer in the world. The economy of the United States is a war-based economy. Have you ever asked yourself, how could the United States (with the help of Russia and other countries) simultaneously fight and defeat two colossal world-powers (the Japanese and the Germans) in the space of 4 years during WW2, and yet the United States, today is fighting countries that do not even have an air force (Afghanistan and Iraq) and has spent approximately 15 years in a state of continual combat? There are a lot of “false-flag” operations taking part throughout the United States and the world. The purpose of these false-flag operations is to continue our armed conflicts in the Middle East and around the world. The space beings are here to assist the people of Earth to lift our spiritual vibratory rate so we may enter new dimensions. They understand that we are at a “tipping point” and that we could easily destroy ourselves and make our beautiful planet uninhabitable. What will the countries that manufacture and sell arms do if there are no wars?

Beware of those people who snicker when they talk about some fellow from the 1950’s being taken aboard a UFO and having a conversation with an alien named Orthon, Valiant Thor, Sa Ra, Donn, and Tanyia. Because these are the very people, who are preventing us, consciously or unconsciously, from hearing from the experiencers who are having experiences today and who have been given messages to share with humanity now.

We need to start listening. We must not fall into the same paradigm as the television anchormen of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, who snickered every time they read a UFO story report. They were doing so because as we now know, they were ordered to do so by the U.S. government. Just like the government deliberately manipulated the media in the 20th century, they are continuing to do so in the 21st century, however in a subtler manner. I believe the “elite” have been steadily creating an alternative reality for us to live in, that keeps us occupied, while they control the world. The privileged-elite is using the old Roman Empire technique of “Bread and Circuses”. This term means that we are being fed a diet of entertainment or political policies to keep us happy and docile. Most people are satisfied if they have a large, flat-screen, HDTV, with surround sound, Cable TV with all the football channels, plenty of beer and other consciousness-numbing substances, Reality TV shows, mobile internet gadgets, tickets to the newest Hollywood 4D blockbuster, Powerball, pornography, and plenty of political scandals.

We are living inside a fantasy structure. The elite keep us balanced between our dreams of winning the lottery and our fears of not being able to pay the rent. A recent poll revealed that most Americans are only two paychecks away from living on the street! We live in the illusion that our credit cards are really money, when in fact, most of us will never be able to pay them off. The elite do not want us to know what is really going on in the world. They want to keep us distracted. We are so pre-occupied with our fantasies and fears that we do not pay attention to what is truly important. The United States government, for example, has passed laws that do not allow journalists to freely travel and report on the wars and battles we are fighting. The U.S. military realized after Vietnam that the American public turned against the war because every night on our televisions we saw film footage of the horrible battles taking place.

Today, it is rare if we hear any information about the various battles in which our soldiers are involved across the globe. The United States is today involved in 70 armed conflicts around the world. We are not faced, on a daily basis, with news reports and video footage, with the fact that every day young American men and women are giving up limbs and lives on foreign sands. We are also not allowed to know the shocking violence and magnitude of these battles that are being waged every day in the world. I believe the extraterrestrials are probably screaming at the top of their extraterrestrial lungs, at us to prevent nuclear war.

Yes, I think nuclear war is looming on the horizon. And while the world is about to explode, we are blissfully ignorant as we enjoy the latest episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, RuPaul’s Drag Race, The Bachelorette, and so on. Kim Kardashian West alone is worth 51 million dollars. And this is while there are people who have messages from the Visitors to share with us, that we are completely ignoring! Nick Pope, a freelance British journalist and media commentator, was employed at the British Government’s Ministry of Defense from 1985 to 2006, and from 1991 to 1994 headed up its now closed investigations into the UFO phenomena. He said no government on the planet is prepared at all for a potential alien invasion. He said: “There would be a scramble for the alien technology, and weapons.

Some of the larger countries — and also, nowadays, corporations — would be scrambling to get their hands on alien technology. The country that gets that [technology] would be the world leader for the foreseeable future.” While an extraterrestrial invasion might start WW3, I am convinced that the aliens are visiting us for the very same reason that they were here in the late 1940s and 50s. In other words, we are again on the brink of total global atomic annihilation. Seen from a liberal or conservative standpoint, both positions present scenarios that could easily lead us into a thermonuclear conflict. We know that there are terrorists who would love to get their hands on a nuclear bomb or even a dirty bomb.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, a huge amount of fissionable nuclear fuel also disappeared with the Soviet Union. Who has this fissionable fuel? Additionally, I believe ET is very concerned now with the ghastly possibilities of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is the most energetic particle collider in the world. So, first and foremost, I believe ET’s message is for us to snap out of our trance (Kardashians, football, beer, sex, etc.) and wake up to the reality of the world we are living in. It is now time to fight for our souls and our planet. It is time we pay attention to those people who say today, in 2017, that they have a message from the extraterrestrials to share with us.

Dr. Lisa Galarneau, a socio-cultural anthropologist, futurist, US Army veteran, ET experiencer, and disclosure activist makes the perceptive observation that the average person interested in UFOs doesn’t seem to be interested in asking questions such as: “Why are they here?” and “What do they want?” Also, to these questions, this author would add the following: “Did they come here to learn about us?” “Do they know what is good and evil?” “Have they come in peace?” “Are they a threat to us: biologically, psychologically, and so forth?” “Is there something about human beings that they see about us that we don’t see about ourselves?” “How do they think?” “Do they see themselves as moral creatures?” However, we see very few people asking questions such as these. Why is this?

Present day culture wants pre-packaged presenters who are going to say things that don’t require too much thought or contemplation. People do not want to be challenged. They are too used to being entertained from a very early age. While the contactees of the past were very concerned with the inner aspects (what we might call the metaphysical, spiritual, transformative experiences) of extraterrestrial encounters, today we seem more concerned with entertainment. Presently, there is an obsession on social media with flashy videos of obviously photoshopped UFOs, and a lack of interest in videos that are not “entertaining” but which dare to speak about profound and life changing methods. At this moment, we have a “perfect storm” that prevents the new generation of contactees from being noticed, recognized, and recommended.

We need to support the young new breed of Ufologists and Consciousness Explorers out there. Not just by going to conferences where they are speaking, but by listening to them when they are guests are internet radio shows and podcasts, buying their books, and telling our friends about them. We must share their videos. Because there are forces that are actively working hard to repress their word from getting out to the public! Most people reading this, if they have not already done so, want to see an alien. They want to know what they look like. They want to know what the Visitors are. Yet, does anyone who is reading this article ask themselves, “What is a human being?” Are there extraterrestrials who have foreknowledge of our future on this planet? Are the Visitors our own human race returning to remember why we experienced global thermonuclear war that almost lead to human extinction? Are they concerned about who (or what) might be entering our universe through CERN’s Large Hadron Collider? We need to develop our farsightedness. We need to wake up out of the hypnotic trance of fear and pleasure in which the elites have trapped us. We need to know the truth.

LAURENCE GALIAN is a Gnostic Vibratory Theurgist, Author, Wisdom Teacher, UFO Witness, Ordained Minister, Pianist, Professor of Tarot, and Host of the YouTube podcast “The Place Inside.” He teaches self-transfiguration through a direct and ecstatic shamanic encounter with the Ultimate Reality. Laurence’s motto is: “To God, Through God, and Beyond God.” Laurence Galian celebrates the divinity of the human being, having been recognized as a dervish of the Halveti-Jerrahi Sufi Order, an initiate of the Khwajagan (Masters of Wisdom), a Priest of the Welsh Tradition of Wicca, and holder of the title of Seanachie from the Temple of Danaan. He journeys in consciousness as well as on the ground exploring sacred sites in Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Ireland, and Palestine. He lives in México. Laurence is the author of “Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence” (New Falcon Publications), “The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis” (Quiddity, Inc.), “666: Connection With Crowley” (Independently published), and “Parásitos Extraterrestres de la Mente Delirante: Como Identificarlos y Como Eliminarlos Con La Espada de la Verdad Gnóstica” (Amazon Digital Services LLC).

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Read about LAURENCE GALIAN’s insights, visions, and morphogenetic connections with the extraterrestrial events of 1947, Roswell, LAM, and the role of the magician Aleister Crowley in his new book “666: CONNECTION WITH CROWLEY”, now available as an Amazon Kindle or Paperback.

“666: Connection with Crowley”

Contact Laurence Galian:








Laurence Galian
We Are Not Alone - The Disclosure Activists

Gnostic Vibrational Theurgist, author, pianist, mystic, podcaster. “Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence”, “666: Connection with Crowley”.