Possible Implications


The current rollout of disclosure or confirmation, as journalist George Knapp calls it, of the reality of the ufo presence on and around Earth that is finally coming about, as well as the public reaction to it has, I think, come as a surprise to many or even most of the people involved in ufology. Many of the investigators, writers and speakers on this subject have envisioned Disclosure as a rather spectacular event involving a presentation such as a special press conference wherein the president of the United states or some similar world leader makes a formal announcement to the planet that the presence of otherworldly craft in the earth’s airspace is real and has existed for a long time, perhaps including a display of physical evidence from crashed UFOs etc. Oh well… The announcement concerning UFOs and the release of the FA-18, gun-camera videos of UFOs from 2004 has surfaced from out of the depths of the Department of Defence has been described by Journalist George Knapp, the newsperson perhaps most consistently connected to the UFO phenomenon over the years, as “Confirmation rather than Disclosure.”

Many people apparently, me included, have thought that this announcement would be more likely to cause a shock wave of disruptive thought and activity both at home and around the world, upsetting and disrupting the global status quo in many, highly-unpredictable ways. The reality however, has been very much at variance with this imagined scenario. This has been most puzzling. The world has not changed in any essential way in the short time since this Disclosure/Confirmation. Mostly people are continuing to go about their lives as usual. Partly, I think, this is the result of the low key way in which the information has been released and partly perhaps, it is the result of the fact that this only confirms what possibly a majority of the peoples of the world have been suspecting for a very long time. Combine this with the fact that the economic trends and events of the last few decades have created a situation wherein so many of the people are focused too narrowly on the carrot in front of their noses, this event has actually had to compete for attention in the realm of world events. On top of this, I think it likely that few people have taken time to consider the ramifications of what all this means and could mean for the future of this planet. However, it is likely that over time the effects of this event will probably change our lives in many, very fundamental ways that may be hard to imagine.

I have spoken with persons who are very suspicious that this event is only a planned distraction to draw our attention from our serious and problematic, domestic, economic-political situation. Though this is one possibility to consider, it may be that the desire to have our attention distracted from politics and economics has only tipped the scales — in the short term that is. According to word from Major General William McCasland (USAF ret.), former head of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base this event has been in planning for at least two years if not longer. It would seem that to a great extent this announcement was something that was to come out soon regardless of who occupied the oval office. It seems as likely that, if anything, Trump’s shenanigans have provided the politicians a somewhat welcome distraction to help keep too much attention being paid to this confirmation event, while at the same time however, some of those in power are surely hoping that this will divert some of the attention being paid to current politics. We are still left with the question: Beyond distraction, what are the various factors that are coming together to prompt current disclosure/confirmation? There are most likely a number of answers to this question — answers that may add up to a sort of “perfect storm” of probabilities. What Cyberpunk writer William Gibson has referred to cynically in his recent story The Peripheral as the “Jackpot.” There seem to be a number of factors on our planet coming to a critical and disastrous head all at once in the now. As for the reasons for those humans in control of the UFO secrets and whatever they may know about the beings behind them, there are, therefore, a number of possibilities to form the motivation behind disclosure.

Environmental crises: For those who are following these particular problems, there are all too many factors presently seen coming to a head. In fact, human effects appear to be well on their way to demolishing our environment.

Climate change is behind many of these problems. As the earth heats up and more heat energy is therefore added to the atmosphere, storms are gaining in intensity and frequency. We are now seeing this come home to roost with such examples as our recent hurricanes.

Tremendous, untold amounts of the carbon on earth are sequestered in methane hydrates — frozen methane and CO2 found in the ocean deeps and beneath polar permafrost. As these places warm up it has already been found that they are releasing immense quantities of carbon as the increasing temperatures allow these compounds to gasify into our atmosphere. What we are looking at is likely a massively climate-changing “runaway effect” that we have little idea how to counter.

Over 70% of our planet‘s surface is covered by water. What happens to and within the seas is vital to all life on earth. The oceans have absorbed tremendous amounts of CO2 — slowing global warming while in turn become more acidic. At the same time,oceanic warming is causing the corals in reefs to eject the algae that live in symbiosis with the coral organisms, causing whole reefs to “bleach” and die off. Australia’s spectacular Great barrier reef is reportedly on it’s very last legs. Most of it has been pronounced dead already. Marine organisms are generally having to adapt to these changes, often with great difficulty, if they can manage at all, in response to this acidification and warming temperatures. A very large percentage of the phytoplankton such as the foraminifera that forms the food base for oceanic life is being affected. Many of these creatures have shells consisting largely of calcium carbonate. Increased acidity is making it far harder for these as well as larger shellfish to form and maintain their shells and these creatures are becoming measurably smaller and fewer. The phytoplankton in the oceans produce much of the free oxygen that life depends on, making the maintenance of this process vital. To get a clearer idea of the foreseeable problems and the extreme, clear and present danger of climate change, take a few minutes to watch the following video:

Deforestation and the taking over of so much of the earth’s formerly vast, fertile, perennial grasslands to grow annual crops has removed much of the perennial, oxygen-producing and carbon-consuming and sequestering plant life from the cycle. Some scientists are saying that grasslands’ role in this function is greater than that of forests. This compounds the increasing CO2 pollution at the root of climate change.

More of the formerly fertile agricultural lands are being lost to desertification making it harder to grow the foodstuffs that people depend on for sustenance not to mention reducing further the role of these former grasslands in the production of atmospheric oxygen and the sequestration of carbon. This problem is attributed largely to human activities such as poor farming practices, overgrazing and climate change.

Worldwide fish stocks are declining rapidly due to a mix of overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction. In the rather near future what will people eat?

We are polluting and poisoning our environment in other ways to an extent that It makes one wonder if it will be possible to recover from it. Our oceans are filling with what are almost-inconceivable amounts of plastic trash. This is breaking down into particles so microscopically fine that they are being found everywhere in the ocean environment. The filter feeders such as clams and other bivalves are being found to have quantities of these plastics in their guts. When we eat them, we do too. Some creatures such as sea turtles that feed largely on jellyfish are mistaking plastic bags for their food and sickening and even dying as a result. The noxious chemicals resulting from the breakdown of this plastic are a further problem for us to contemplate.

The seas are to a great extent the final depository of much of our pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, radioactive byproducts of coal burning and nuclear power plants, excess fertilizer runoff etc. creating a terrible toxic stew in many large areas. There are “dead zones” being found in areas such as Puget Sound’s Hood Canal and in the Gulf of Mexico where the flow of the Mississippi river is delivering these chemicals from North America’s agricultural heartland.

On land, many species, both animal and plant, are becoming very scarce and even becoming extinct. For instance, in Germany it has been found that the amount of flying insects have declined more than 75% over the duration of a 27-year study. There is preliminary evidence that much the same is occurring in North America. These creatures form much of the second and third tiers of the land and freshwater food pyramid. It is affecting birds, fish, reptiles, small mammals etc. What is causing this tragedy is poorly understood. I have come across two possibilities that might stand out among the causes for this. One of these is the increased use of insidious pesticides and herbicides. The Neonicotinoid pesticides in particular are prime suspects in this. These persistent, toxic compounds are very profitable for their manufacturers… Another possibility needing a much closer look concerns the possible issue of chemtrails, thought by many to be the intentional release of large amounts of nanoparticles of aluminum and other chemicals into the upper atmosphere in perhaps what is a possible geoengineering attempt to combat climate change. Apparently aluminum has been found recently in dust, water and soils in amounts that are much higher than in the past. It has been reported by some that increased levels of these chemicals may be responsible for some of the diminished quantities of insects showing up at present. (as well as being implicated, perhaps, in the rising rates of human dementia.)

Human populations continue to increase, compounding the many pressures that we are placing upon the environment. It will only get worse unless something is done to deal with it. Besides the problems of resource scarcity, our running out of space, facilities and resources to house and feed our populations there are many other problems such as myriad forms of pollution caused or exacerbated by overpopulation.

Increasing problems with disease is one of these problems that we are already seeing. When populations grow, the incidence of diseases increase. Partly this is caused by crowding which allows disease transmission to increase. As well, there are more people to get and transmit these diseases. For communicable diseases, one of their methods of survival is mutation into forms that we then lack resistance to. This occurs in a happenstance way simply by the occurrence of very rare accidental mutations in the pathogen’s DNA that occur when these organisms replicate. The more victims there are contracting the disease, the more times the organism replicates, so that even if “successful” mutations are extremely rare, if there are enough replications, (think billions, trillions, even more…) the chance of DNA “errors” occurring and to which we have little immunity becomes a certainty. The yearly, seasonal, influenza cycle is a good illustration of this process. Every year there is a guessing game as to which new version of the flu will become the one to need a vaccine for. Sometimes there are two or even more to target. Overpopulation only makes this worse.

As we use up more of the fertile lands and even encroach on marginal lands to grow crops and house people, we put more pressure on

habitats that are needed by wild creatures. Habitat loss is one of the major factors in the rising rates of extinction. The abundance of wild animals and plants depends directly on their having healthy, suitable places to live and grow in. Recently I read that there is some potentially good news about the Thylacine — the Tasmanian Tiger or Wolf, a marsupial predator that formerly inhabited Tasmania and parts of Australia that has been listed as extinct since the 1930s.There have been numerous, recent, unconfirmed sightings of these by very credible people both in Tasmania and southern Australia. The areas that they have been apparently seen in or near are very rough, inaccessible, still relatively untouched areas, some of which in Tasmania remain unexplored even to the present. How much in the way of such wildlands are left to form reserve habitat for disappearing species? Very little.

There is an immense and growing disparity between the super-wealthy and the rest of us. According to the British newspaper The Independent, The Credit Suisse Wealth Report found that the bottom half of adults owned less than one percent of the world’s total wealth while the richest 10 percent held 87.7 percent of it.” This gap is growing minute by minute. This sequestration of wealth in the hands of a very few super-rich is leading to what one must conclude can only be thought of as economic feudalism, a state of power and control wherein most of the world’s people are denied the resources they need to live decent lives as well as being denied the means to acquire these necessities. This condition has vanishingly little to distinguish it from any other political, totalitarian regime. It is the direct result of the fact that the most wealthy, powerful people have access to and control over the lawmaking functions of nations — In other words, politically “legitimized” corruption. How do they do this? Oh let us count the ways… One excellent take on this process has been penned by Charles Hugh Smith and can be read in a Dec. 31, 2017 post at: .

Artificial Intelligence (A. I.), robotics, and other forms of automation are increasingly taking over the work that people have performed. The result is that many of the jobs that people have had to earn their livings are starting to disappear. It has recently been reported that even the functions of middle level management are being replaced by A. I. This leaves us with the problem of How people will live when there are far too few jobs? Compound this with the problem of who will have the capacity to purchase and consume the products and services made and marketed through our economy if too few people have no way to earn a decent living? It is plain that we are speedily moving into yet another massive crisis.

The means of conducting war — the weapons systems that are being developed and deployed — are increasingly being managed through A. I. At the same time, the speed of deployment and delivery of these terrible engines of destruction is increasing so fast that we are coming to a point where there is little if any margin for error. This is leading us to a condition where war — possibly nuclear war on a massive scale — is almost guaranteed. Upon looking into the implements of war and their delivery systems, what has recently been developed and/or is in the process of being developed is bone chilling at very best. Hypersonic craft are being developed that it has been reported will have a global strike capacity of perhaps as little as 14 minutes. Take a little time to think about that… The current tensions with North Korea make the nuclear threat as bad as we have ever seen it.

Militaries and national security agencies are now on the verge of having, if they do not already have them, “slaughterbots” — autonomous, independent, robotic, A. I.-controlled killing machines. These drones will (or do) operate independent of any human controller. This capability is presently being developed for the currently-human-controlled drones now being used to hunt down “terrorists” in places like Afghanistan. For further illustration of this subject see:

Outside of the field of warfare, in the field of Artificial Intelligence, there is now much speculation about the approaching “singularity” event — the point at which it is said that A. I. will equal and begin to surpass the level of human intelligence. What this will bring about is somewhat hard to say. There has been speculation over “the rise of the robots” for decades now. A number of scenarios have been proposed, few of them being positive in nature. Look through the archives of Science Fiction literature to see more. Don’t if you wish to sleep well.

There is a terrific glut of emerging information about new technologies and scientific developments. These are currently coming out so fast that it is becoming very hard to assimilate and keep abreast of these developments. This makes it increasingly difficult to apply any semblance of the precautionary principle to these before they are released upon the world — sometimes with disastrous results.

In the last several decades the “guardians” of our national security have been using Privatization to keep secrets. finding it increasingly useful for their purposes to place the ownership and development of many of these technologies found or developed into the hands of private companies. This solves many of their “difficulties” regarding secrecy. By doing so they divest the public — you and me — of ownership of such developments. They then become proprietary private-property and knowledge that we-the-people have no ownership-of, rights-to nor oversight-of. This could lead to a number of dangerous developments such as in potentially enabling the building of private, secret, military forces like that which some ufologists are claiming that we already have in the form of a hypothetical “space navy” over which, as private citizens, we have no control or even knowledge of. If there are extraterrestrial, intelligent beings observing us, then knowing our warlike ways, this would surely be seen as threatening to our cosmic neighbors.

It has been widely reported that the crude oil that the world runs on is running out. New ways of extracting oil and natural gas such as fracking are giving some relief from these predicted shortages while producing new catastrophes such as earthquakes and the toxic contamination of water supplies.

New methods of power generation and storage are coming online at quite a rapid pace at present. Solar and wind generation are increasing rapidly and new, much-more efficient types of batteries, capacitors and other electricity storage devices are now in the process of development. New, experimental energy generation methods are being developed that, should they prove out, will provide excellent, clean and hopefully, less-expensive power in untold amounts. Highly increased levels of inexpensive power generation will be necessary for any technologies we may need to implement to counter CO2 pollution and stop the progression of Climate Change. We can only hope that these are successful. It is known that the possibility of tapping the quantum-energy fields is possible. Dr. Hal Puthoff (now with TTSA) gives a short explanation of this possible energy source here:

The casimir effect he speaks of is explained here:

It turns out as well that the concept of cold fusion has been revived, It seems that Fleischman and pons, who were wrongly pilloried when they announced the discovery of cold fusion were likely right bout this phenomenon. It has been reported in mainstream media that this is now the focus of much new, current research. However, many observers and researchers of these possibilities are claiming that every time a researcher develops a new technology to access and harvest power from the almost-limitless quantum energy fields, government agents show up and seize their work — including prototypes, plans, patents they have filed, written documents and anything else relating to their work, almost always without compensation and forbidding them to even speak of their processes while threatening them with dire consequences should they do so, all in the name of national security. What is presently known as fact is that according to the National Science Foundation, at the end of fiscal year 2017, there were 5,784 such secrecy orders in effect. It is chilling to know that these can and do include the publication and issuance of certain patents and applications as detrimental to the nation’s economic security, which seems to be tied up in the oil industry — who don’t particularly care for competition. it has been reported that this includes patents for energy generation that might threaten the fossil fuel industry. A small ray of hope comes by way of a report that: “…scientists at a major scientific institute, the Russian Academy of Science, claim to have documented the creation of free energy and have also documented striking anti-gravitic effects that involve a prolonged and controllable loss of weight — in the same experiment.” If these prove out, then they could be answers to two of our problems, if not too little — too late. However, much of Russia’s income depends on oil sales… You may read about these potential breakthroughs at:…/Experiments%20of%20Roschin%20…

Travel beyond our planet is turning out to be problematic at best. We know now that chemical rocketry or other reaction propellent processes are extremely limited. The reason that rockets need to be so very large is that massive amounts of energy are needed simply to lift the weight of the fuel required for the whole journey. Another limiting problem is that it is becoming apparent that humans have difficulties resulting from weightless environments. Returning safely to a gravity environment, depending on the length of time spent in a weightless environment, is likely to be problematic. The recent experience of the astronaut Scott Kelly after his return from spending a full year on the ISS has demonstrated medical difficulties associated with long term exposure to weightlessness. It is hard to say how the year’s exposure to the increased levels of cosmic radiation will affect him. I have read that his chances of getting cancer have probably been significantly increased. With the presently known methods to travel in space, we are talking about quite a few years to reach even the nearest star systems. It would seem most likely that humans might not well withstand such journeys. In order for humans to make such long trips It seems logical that it is necessary that we develop new methods to travel interstellar space.

We have been told for decades that the speed of travel is limited by the speed of light. However, physicists are now beginning to say the there may well be ways to work around light speed. Theoretically there may be ways to actually build and travel by warp drives. Cosmic wormholes are another possibility. There have been proposals of technology that could alter space-time in such a way as to make very fast or potentially even instantaneous point to point travel a possibility. They are, at this point in time, all very hypothetical. If there are intelligent aliens visiting Earth from other star systems and galaxies in the dimensional framework in which we and our star system exist, then we can rest assured that they did not come here by rocket power. Official word is that we are unlikely to presently be in possession of the necessary secrets of propulsion and travel by our own efforts. On the other hand, if we are in possession of any of this technology, there are indications that this may well have been acquired from the still hypothetical intelligent aliens that, at least up till now, our earthly governments have mostly claimed no knowledge of. If we do possess such technology from off world sources, then our needs for such to become more open knowledge may be adding more pressure for disclosure.

it is looking like private, non-governmental companies will quite possibly be the ones leading us to establish stations and colonies on our moon and Mars. As well it seems that other nations such as China and India are perhaps joining the fray. If there is evidence, as has been strongly rumored, that on these celestial bodies intelligent aliens are already there and perhaps observing us, then that knowledge is quite probable to be very difficult to hide. Disclosure by such “accidental” means would likely be extremely problematic to persons in power.

When one considers the combined effect of all these impending crisis and possibilities seemingly coming together at the same time, the picture we can paint is not, by any stretch of the imagination, pretty or even very hopeful. Not in the least. The human race’s lack of foresight concerning how we run our planet is so far beyond appalling as to leave one speechless. Whether there is time and will to save ourselves from the most dire of futures, even if we miraculously pull our planetary act together and get madly at it is very hard to say. Do we find this upsetting? …frightening? …terrifying? One would hope so. Nothing less has been, so far, enough to provide motivation for significant, planetary change. Nothing that an effective number of us has done so far has amounted to a whole lot more than lip service in defense of the future of the planet and the life that it supports. Yes, there are some dedicated and saintly souls who have set their shoulders against the onslaught and have shown the will and the sacrifice to try. Whether it be by their own nature or by intervention by intelligent extraterrestrials. It has not been enough so far.

Mother Nature has her own methods of adjudicating cases and providing consequences. The greater our trespasses, the more painful the discipline and reparations. Many of us have some idea of the depth of our transgressions but we quail at facing the repercussions. Sadly, the guilty and the innocent alike are likely to face the damages together. Great the damages there are and the consequences will be. One can take that to the bank.

This coming together of what are looking like terrible crisis that might only be solved by the intervention of more advanced beings and their technology, may be providing motivation by way of the sheer, crushing weight of these seemingly insurmountable problems. The small number of the wealthiest, greediest elite are undoubtedly smart. They didn’t attain their positions by stupidity. Though their ambitions may be to gain control, ownership and sovereignty over the world, they most assuredly realise that allowing the physical environment of the planet to be destroyed greatly diminishes the value of what they will own. After all, what is the worth of being kings of a ruined kingdom? It seems likely that these elites must realize at this point that the threats to the survival and well-being of all of us, themselves included, are dire.

It has been much discussed lately within ufology that there seems to be a contentious dispute among those in control of our government and possibly others concerning loosening the “Truth Embargo.” It has been written that the “old guard” of the elites, whether it be Majestic Twelve or a consortium of bankers and/or the military or any combination of those in power, have been the ones holding disclosure back. This has caused me to wonder if the death of David Rockefeller in March of 2017 might be instrumental in allowing this process to proceed. It seems that he may have been one of those holding control over these events. According to his obituary in The Guardian, 26 March, 2017:

“He broke new ground by taking Chase [bank] into the Soviet Union, China and Egypt, and sought influence abroad via advisory groups aimed at a wide growth of American influence, rather than a narrow focus on his own companies’ profits. His influence was huge: Henry Kissinger worked for the CFR on nuclear policy before becoming an adviser to presidents; when Rockefeller started the Trilateral Commission, his first director was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who became President Jimmy Carter’s Kissinger. It was Rockefeller who was crucial in persuading Carter to admit the deposed Shah of Iran to the US for cancer treatment, a move that eventually precipitated the Iran crisis that helped bring down the Carter presidency.”

“Rockefeller maintained close ties to the intelligence community; he was one of the “Old Boys” whose family and business connections in New York lay at the core of that world. During the second world war, Allen Dulles’s early headquarters for the Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA, was in the Rockefeller Centre; Dulles’s brother, John, was a Rockefeller in-law, and served as Eisenhower’s secretary of state while Allen ran the CIA. David Rockefeller was placed at the centre of numerous conspiracy theories; for example, when John J McCloy was appointed to the Warren Commission on the assassination of President John F Kennedy, it was noted he had been chairman of both Chase and the CFR.”

Certainly David Rockefeller was supremely well positioned to be a powerful and important force among those likely to have been controlling the disclosure scenario. Perhaps his death has allowed the consensus to change.

Another factor in this process is that reportedly, many of the actors within the workings of the truth embargo are terrified of being charged and prosecuted as criminals for their actions. There may be different facets to this situation. As has been stated by some, the technologies said to have been obtained from sources such as recovered crashes by UFOs have been moved into the deep, black world of secrecy for a number of reasons, mostly ascribed to being in the service of the needs of national security. The security agencies, along with the military seem to have developed classified compartmentalization and “need to know” into a fine art along with the privatization of such knowledge. There seems to be evidence that this has developed to the point wherein, counter to federal law, a good number of these classified projects have apparently been and are being developed illegally with no congressional or presidential oversight. In order to understand, develop and take advantage of these technologies it is probable that immense quantities of secret funding has been required. The Department of Defense is presently unable to account for funds amounting to many trillions of dollars. Astonishingly, even what has been taken from these funds is possible not to have been enough for the needs of these black programs. It has been said that one of, if not the primary purpose of the CIA has been to act as a money-laundering operation for the deep, security state. One of the areas in which this agency has apparently developed considerable expertise is illegal drug and arms smuggling and distribution. They seem to have cut their teeth in this through a program called “Project Phoenix” that they were deeply involved in during the Vietnam War. Douglas Valentine’s book, The CIA as Organized Crime, details their operations during that fracas. The legal implications of these actions — even as they have continued up to the present — are easy to grasp.

Therefore, it seems obvious that what we are seeing is an attempt to engineer a Controlled and Managed Disclosure. According to Major General William McCasland (USAF ret.), former head of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base this disclosure (or confirmation) announcement and what is to follow has been in planning for at least two years. Chances are that it has very little to do with who is in the White House at the moment. However, It seems that some of those in power have made a decision to let the great secret out to the masses. It also seems apparent that this is being done in such a way as to maintain the greatest possible control over this process.

We are now left to consider why ETs may finally be willing to make themselves known to the greater populations of earth — assuming they have made this choice, after all. If there be any intelligent extraterrestrials observing and weighing us in their balance, then it is hard to say what they will do in relation to our impending disasters. For one thing, assuming that is, that they exist, beyond conjecture we don’t know what they are capable of nor their motivations and intentions concerning human beings. After all, if they have made it here, then they are likely to be anywhere from hundreds to billions of years ahead of us in science and technology. It would seem that beings that have made it through their growing pains, survived and achieved the abilities that have been attributed to them by human observers might perhaps have the ability to guide us through our crisis. Therefore, if they be kindly disposed towards us, then they may have decided that it is now time to intervene and have let those in power on earth know that they intend to make themselves known. There remains the possibility that even if they were to intervene in a positive way, they still might not allow us to go beyond our solar system. It is reasonable to assume that they would see us as a threat to other civilizations, seeing that we are such a clear and present danger even to ourselves. How this might influence events remains to be seen. It is the opinion of some ufologists that we are presently under a cosmic quarantine and will not be allowed to travel beyond our present environs until such a time as this human propensity to violence abates.

The current actors in this process of Disclosure or Confirmation comprise another part of the puzzle. The announcements of Tom Delonge and “his team” of the “To the Stars Academy” and the subsequent releases of UFO videos said to be sourced within the United States Department of Defense has formed the initial framework of whatever this disclosure and/or confirmation phenomenon is. This team is most interesting. All of them except for Tom Delonge seem to have either come out of the deep security establishment or to have very deep ties to these agencies and/or the military. Does it seem at all feasible that they have come together in the somewhat spontaneous manner that we are lead to believe? Methinks this highly unlikely. It is likely more probable that this group — or at least the principle members — have been involved in very careful planning for a long time and Mr. DeLonge has been targeted as a result of being a perfect opportunity for their plans.

Now one of these principles, Mr. Luis Elizondo, after announcing to the world that UFOs are a real phenomenon and the Pentagon has been studying them as well as releasing a couple of enticing videos that are said to show UFOs and also dribbling out a few other tidbits, seems to be attempting to throw the ball back in the public’s court by announcing that the way to be shown further details of the UFO mystery is for us to write to our legislators and pressure them for further disclosure. Even if successful this will be guaranteed to take time — a good deal of it at best. My — what a perfect way to create a plausible deniability scenario and shift the blame for once again slowing the drip of disclosure to the politicians and, of course, We the People. Golly! Who woulda thunk it? It will, at the least, be extremely interesting and likely frustrating as well to to see in what way as well as how soon this saga develops.

