When Will More NH Residents Ask About UFOs?

In 2015, Conway Daily Sun reporter Daymond Steer asked Hillary Clinton about UFOs. Steer believes fellow granite staters should ask the 2020 candidates about UFOs especially in light of the Tic Tac UFO incident reported by David Fravor of Windham, NH.

New Hampshire has a special relationship with the UFO phenomenon that’s only grown with the revelations provided by a retired fighter pilot whose story went viral in 2017 and probably helped spur the U.S. Navy into updating its UFO reporting policy this year.

New Hampshire also has the first in the nation presidential primary coming up early next year. Maybe granite staters ought to be asking candidates about these mysterious craft.

The candidates are already flocking to New Hampshire even though the Primary date has not yet been established.

UFO enthusiasts and ancient alien theorists will probably remember in December of 2017 The New York Times and other major media outlets broke Fravor’s story. Fravor, who was reportedly a resident of Windham, NH, recalled engaging with what he said was a “Tic Tac” shape UFO while flying a F-18 off the coast of California in 2004. A second fighter plane was also involved. USS Princeton had picked up a fleet of UFOs on radar and sent fighters to go check them out.

On April 23, Politico reported that the Navy is drawing up new guidelines for reporting UFOs.

“There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years,” the Navy told POLITICO. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report.”

The national security implications are obvious. If such craft exist and can be studied, that would also greatly enhance our understanding of science.

I’d love to get President Donald Trump’s take on UFOs. Aside from him, who better to ask about this than candidates for President of the United States? The candidates will spend many months scurrying all over New Hampshire, kissing babies, holding house parties and politicking where ever they can.

Yours truly, a reporter with The Conway Daily Sun of Conway, NH, was able to ask Hillary Clinton the UFO question before the 2016 Democratic Primary. That story was picked up by media all over the world. I continue to ask candidates when I can.

ET presence on earth would be the biggest story in the history of mankind, if true. If not, at least it’s a fun topic and one that could generate memorable quotes.

Any New Hampshire voter who comes across a candidate and is willing to ask the question could probably manage to make a viral moment of his or her own.

NECN (New England Cable News) helpfully has an online candidate tracker that allows you know where the candidates are planning to appear. There are about two dozen people seeking the office.

In addition to these recent New Hampshire UFO connections, we also have a storied UFO history.

According to The Black Vault, the so called first UFO image was taken in the area of Mount Washington in 1870.

New Hampshire is also home to the annual Exeter UFO Festival. The genesis of the event is a UFO sighting that was reported in 1965. A teenage boy and a couple of police officers were among the witnesses.

During a 2007 presidential debate, candidate Dennis Kucinich confirmed he saw a UFO while at Shirley MacLaine’s home in Washington State. In doing so, he apparently also made a reference to that aforementioned sighting.

“I’m also going to move my campaign office to Roswell, New Mexico, and other one in Exeter, New Hampshire, OK?” CNN quoted Kucinich as saying.

The most famous New Hampshire case, of course, is the Betty and Barney Hill incident in which the couple was allegedly abducted by ETs one night in September of 1961 just south of Lincoln, NH.

“They filed an official Air Force Project Blue Book report of a brightly-lit cigar shaped craft the next day, but were not public with their story until it was leaked in the Boston Traveler in 1965,” reads a highway marker about the Hills. “This was the first widely-reported UFO abduction report in the United States.”

Daymond Steer has been a reporter for The Conway Daily Sun in North Conway, NH since 2010. He normally covers municipal government, politics and crime but also dabbles in UFO stuff.

