Join the amazing community. Write for We Are Orb

Guide on how to submit your article to this publication and be part of our ever growing community from all around the world.

Kofi Amanfo II
We Are Orb
2 min readDec 10, 2017


We are looking for writers to contribute up-to-date content, mainly focused on Programming, Data Science and Blockchain to help readers from all around the world.

So why write ?

  • Writing helps the author to gain in depth understanding.
  • It improves confidence.
  • It helps to communicate your ideas to the data science community and beyond.
  • You get better feedback.
  • It looks good on your resume, it helps to improve your job opportunities.
  • It’s fun !!


  1. Let your articles relate to Programming, Data Science and Blockchain or related fields.
  2. The way you write your article is up to you. Freestyle. Unless your style conflicts with rule 1.

3. Make your article a joy to read.

4. Copy and paste this to the end of every article —

Show us some ❤ and 👏 and follow our publication for more awesome articles on Programming, Data Science and Blockchain from authors 👫 around the globe and beyond


You are the owner of all your posts, you can choose to edit and delete your article at anytime, without restrictions.

Send us a link to the draft of your article here or send us a direct message on Twitter to get featured.

Have an awesome day !!



Kofi Amanfo II
We Are Orb

Software Engineer & Researcher in Blockchain, Design and Artificial Intelligence