Analog Incentivised Testnet — Earn double points with Talisman

We are Talisman
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Well well well, so you’re here to farm more of those juicy points huh?

Whether you’re an Analog Network maxi, or a Talisman community member who is Analog curious, you’ve come to the right place. In this article we’ll explain how you can earn double points by earning Talisman XP and and Analog points at the same time.

Talisman is a multi-chain wallet supporting all EVM and Substrate-based blockchains. This includes Ethereum, the rollups, the Polkadot ecosystem, and Substrate-based chains like Analog Network. We support over 180 blockchain networks, so many we can’t even name them all.

We have also partnered with Analog Network for the launch of Talisman Quests, an application that allows Talisman Wallet users to earn XP for discovering great Talisman features, new web3 projects, and holding tokens in their wallet. When you participate in the Analog Incentivised Testnet with your Talisman Wallet you can also earn Talisman XP too. Want to know how? Read on!

Step 1: Download Talisman Wallet

First, download the Talisman Wallet by visiting and clicking the “Download Wallet” button. Once installed, get started by creating an account. Talisman supports two kinds of accounts: Polkadot (Substrate), and Ethereum, and for this mission you’ll need both. In order to sign up for Talisman Quests you’ll need an Ethereum Account, and in order to participate in the incentivised test net via the Analog Watch portal you’ll need a Polkadot account.

If you’ve already participated in the Analog Incentivised Testnet and want to receive Talisman XP, or you just want to try out Talisman as your daily driver you can import your accounts or recovery phrase from another wallet like: Metamask, Rabby, Trust, or more. Talisman Wallet is full of amazing features for the web3 adventurer, so you won’t regret it. When setting up your Talisman Wallet consider customising it with your preferred language, portfolio currencies, or organised your accounts into folders too.

Step 2: Discover Analog on Talisman Quests

Go to the Talisman Quests application and sign up to create your Quests Profile. Once completed, you can earn Talisman XP 🪂 by participating in the Analog Incentivised Testnet in two ways:

Connecting to the Analog Watch Portal with Talisman (Easy)

This one is super easy, just go to the Analog Watch Portal and connect your Talisman Wallet. In order to connect correctly you’ll need to have a Polkadot (Substrate) account in your Talisman Wallet.

Create and fund a view with Talisman (Advanced)

If you’re a little tech savvy and want to earn more XP you can create and fund a view. A view in the context of Analog Network is a collection of blockchain data, presented in an easy-to-understand format for developers to query and use leverage in their apps. In addition to convenience, the benefit of a view is knowing that data is accurate and trustworthy, as it has been verified by the Analog Network Time nodes. This makes it great for building cool applications in cross-chain DeFi.

There are two important steps in this quest:

  1. Get some Analog Testnet Tokens via the Faucet — See Documentation Here.
  2. Deploying and funding your View — See Documentation here.

About Talisman

Talisman is a web3 wallet that unlocks a universe of applications in Ethereum and Polkadot. With Talisman you can safely store, send, receive assets, and connect to applications.

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