Become a Talisman Sentinel

We are Talisman
3 min readSep 1, 2021


tl;dr — Talisman is recruiting community contributors to use their natural talents to unite the Paraverse and be rewarded. Apply to be a Talisman Sentinel here.

DAOs are quickly becoming a global standard for coordinating groups online to manage resources and establish cross-border organisations. Even with these powerful organisational tools at the tip of our fingers, I believe that all great communities must start the same way. They must be founded by individuals who, knowingly or not, are authentically aligned toward a common vision or goal. This is what forms the DNA of the organisation and enables it to broadcast a clear signal to which new members can respond enabling the community to grow from the edges. Today, we are making this metaverse broadcast in search of like-minded people who will join us and help co-create the Talisman story.

Sentinel /ˈsɛntɪn(ə)l/ whose job is to stand up and keep watch.

The guardians of the Talisman are a band of adventurers on a quest to make web3 technologies more usable and empowering for everyone. At present, we are creating a community-owned wallet extension and an asset dashboard for DotSama and the Parachains, which you can read more about here.

Our vision is for the Talisman community to be an organisation that can perform complex tasks, such as creating and maintaining new software products, competently promoting and advocating for itself in the metaverse, and act as it’s own immune system. To do such a thing it’s not as simple as spinning up a token and expecting a community to take shape like iron shavings in an electromagnetic field. In cryptoland, I have learned that people are incredibly skeptical; not about what they invest their money in, but in how they invest their time. We intend to create a decentralised organisation that will last and that will require intentional curation. We are taking our first thoughtful steps toward creating our community DNA today.

If you’re a web3 enthusiast who is developing, promoting or investing in the DotSama ecosystem, if you want to see web3 products become more usable, empowering and fun, and what we write excites or resonates with you, we want to hear from you. Please read on and learn how you can assist us with building that vision.

Phase 1: Sentinels Assemble


When doing anything for the first time, we’re unlikely to get it perfect. But if we measure things, by making iterative improvements to our ideas we can ensure their eventual success. As such, we’re taking an iterative approach to building the Talisman community.

We’re calling upon DotSama enthusiasts and experts to join the Talisman Sentinels and become a force for good in the Paraverse. If you’re interested in product design, software development, communications, community moderation or are curious and entrepreneurial in general; apply to be a Sentinel! We will select a handful of applicants to join as founding Sentinels and get the opportunity to be paid for their contributions. Founding sentinels will have the opportunity to define the next Phase of the organisation after Phase 1 ends on December 1st.

How can I help?

CreateTell stories, create memes and artwork that celebrate the community.

Contribute Answer questions, review designs, and test our products.

ModerateImprove and secure our social spaces.

AmplifyHelp us broadcast our signal into the Paraverse.

InventCreate something totally original that is valuable to the community.

Coordinate — Mobilise and support others to do all of the above.

There are no minimum requirements but you should be an established explorer of the Paraverse who is already

  • using web3 tools like PolkadotJS, Metamask, hardware wallets;
  • investing in, building or promoting web3 technologies.

Where do I begin?

If you haven’t already, join our discord server and say hello. Once you’re a member of the community you can complete the form.

Sign up to be a Talisman Sentinel here.

Visit our Website

Join our Discord

