E-commerce — Header : How to test an e-commerce website’s header

Mathijs van Dam
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017

This is the first article of a series on how to test e-commerce websites. Understand that every site is unique and can not be tested in the same way. Work from top-left to the bottom-right of a page, just like reading a book. Like this you won’t forget what has already been done.

How to test an e-commerce website — part 1

Examples of tests that can be done in a header

  1. Look at the overall display of the header
    - Nothing is blurry/pixelated
    - Nothing is misaligned
    - No elements are invisible
    - The icons are appropriate
    - The elements are displayed in the correct language
  2. Click on all the elements and verify if behavior is correct
    - Upon clicking on the logo, the home page is loaded
    - The correct page is displayed
    - A dropdown is displayed
    - The search bar is displayed
    - The mini-basket is displayed
  3. Hover over the mouse all the elements of the header
    - Upon hover over, the elements are highlighted
    - Upon hover over, dropdowns are displayed
    - Upon hover over, the curson becomes a hand
  4. Enter text in the “Search” bar
    - The search option works as intended
    - An item suggestions dropdown is displayed
  5. Click on the basket icon, verify if mini-basket is correctly displayed
    - The mini basket contains all information of the items
    - The link in the mini basket work as intended

Examples of bugs that can be found in a header

  1. The “Apple” logo appears blurry
  2. The “Search” icon is absent
  3. The “Basket’ icon is displayed as “?”
  4. The “Watch” link is displayed in Spanish instead of English
  5. Upon clicking on the “Apple” logo, the page crashes
  6. Upon clicking on “iPad” the “FAQ” page is displayed
  7. Upon clicking on the “Basket” icon, the drop down menu appears cut-off
  8. Upon hovering over the “iPad” link, the cursor does not change to a hand
  9. Upon launching a search, no results are displayed
  10. The “Go to checkout” link in the basket does not work

Part 2 — How to test an e-commerce carousel >



Mathijs van Dam

Crowd manager at WE ARE TESTERS. Sharing my point of view about manual QA testing.