Claire Bertrand
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2016

Today we released several new features you’ve been asking for a while. Give it a reading and take advantage of the platform.

General features

Timezone management

To improve your experience and avoid confusion about mission starting time, we’ve implemented a timezone manager.

This implies that when you are logged in, the times you’ll read will correspond to the timezone you indicated in your profile.

Our super hero members will see the following pop-in next time they sign in:

Timezone selection

Please select the timezone that suits you best. You will be able to update this information in your profile, if you need to change it afterwards.

New members will have to fill in this information while registering online.

When you’re not logged in and you’re having a look at the current missions, times will be displayed in GMT.

Our system manages Daylight Saving times.

Email address of your Apple account

We’ve noticed some delay when the mission is to test an iOS app available on TestFlight (or equivalent). This happened because our mission manager could not collect the relevant email addresses in the short period before the mission starts. To prevent future delays, we’ve implemented this mandatory field for the testers who have added an iOS mobile phone or tablet.

If it’s your case, next time you’ll sign in, you’ll see this pop-in:

Enter the email address of your Apple account

If you want to edit this information later, you can do it in My Devices.

Session duration

You’ve reported that the sessions were a bit too short on WE ARE TESTERS and was impacting your work during a mission — as it happened you were logged out while a bug report was under creation.

We’ve fixed it to last much longer. If you want to be automatically logged in when you’re visiting again, tick “keep me signed in” when signing in.

Bugtracker improvements

Clicking outside of the bug report pop-in is disabled

On top of the most annoying things you reported, you explained that sometimes, you lost bug reports you were creating by clicking unintentionally outside of the pop-in. This is now history! We’ve disabled this. To close the bug report, you will have to (intentionally) click on the “red” closing button at the top or the “cancel” button at the bottom of the pop-in.

Delete a bug report — confirmation before final deleting

Another source of mistakes was the fact that we could delete a bug without confirming the intention.

Now when you want to delete a bug, you’ll see this:

Delete a bug confirmation

If you have any questions regarding these new features, please contact Claire, Product Manager @admin_claire on our Slack.

Date of release : October 1st, 2016


WE ARE TESTERS is a crowd-testing platform. We offers Quality Assurance missions to our freelance members. Our testers are highly talented QA superheroes, hand-picked by our staff during recruitment process.

