Free events, a matchmaker and resources for freelancers

The Freelance Journalism Assembly is back to continue empowering and connecting the community.

Ana Maria Salinas
European Journalism Centre
4 min readApr 8, 2021


The freelance journalism community has proven, time and again, its ability to uncover and produce quality, independent and innovative stories on the world’s most dire challenges. Freelancers make a difference with their journalism work, a power that may now be more necessary than ever.

That is why the European Journalism Centre (EJC) is excited to announce the 2021 edition of the Freelance Journalism Assembly, a programme designed to empower and connect the freelance community in Europe. This year, the Assembly will focus on the freelancer’s vital role in reporting on global challenges and their power to make a difference.

The Assembly allows freelancers based in Europe to acquire new skills and build connections through free online events and a brand new toolbox of resources to support freelance reporting. The Assembly is also back with an updated website that includes a community matchmaker where freelancers can connect with each other and find potential mentors and mentees.

“The Assembly is a fantastic way for freelance journalists to connect, learn new skills, and find a supportive community. I feel privileged to be a part of it” — Abigail Edge, freelance journalist, member and trainer of the Assembly.

What the Assembly will offer you

Community matchmaker

Community matchmaker for freelance journalists

Are you looking for new connections? Our website now includes a community section where you can create a profile to connect with peers and potential mentors or mentees. A matching score shows you the members with similar interests and skills. Create your public profile and expand your professional network.

Online conference: “Reporting on global issues: the power of freelancers to make a difference”. 8 - 10 June , 2021

For three days, freelance journalists from all across Europe will come together to learn new tools and discuss the most pressing topics for the community.

Besides plenary sessions, you can join pitching clinics and safety clinics, private sessions in which you will receive tailored advice from experts.

This online conference will include sessions about:

  • How to pitch stories successfully
  • How to collaborate and build collectives and cross-border teams
  • Solutions journalism
  • Storytelling trends: graphic novels, multimedia projects, video, and more
  • Tik-Tok, Instagram and Twitter for freelance journalists
  • Data and mobile journalism to report on global issues and more
  • Best practices and career successes showcased by freelancers from all across the world.

Registrations are open now! Get your place here

New toolbox of resources

The Assembly is producing a brand new series of resources, guides, podcasts and handbooks created by and for freelancers to support reporting around global challenges.

The first two resources in the series are “A freelancer’s guide for reporting on vaccines” and “A freelancer’s guide on gender and identity”, giving you tips, useful links and sources, expert databases, and tools to step up your game.

Pitching rounds with editors

Do you have a great story to pitch and want to receive feedback from editors? In the second semester of 2021, the Assembly will host “pitching rounds” events, where freelancers can connect directly with publishers and get their advice.

Once you have created a profile & signed in for the Assembly via our website, you can apply to participate in this event and send your pitches about global issues and development topics.

The selected freelancers will have the opportunity to meet a panel of publishers, present the story idea, receive feedback and explore collaboration opportunities. Registrations for this event will be open soon. Stay tuned!

Here’s how you can join us

The Assembly is for all the freelance journalists based in any member state of the Council of Europe — regardless of whether you are an experienced journalist or a new member of the freelance community.

Once you sign up, you can enrol for free into the aforementioned activities, events and gain access to the toolbox of resources and our community section.

Your personal profile

The idea behind your personal page is two-fold: Once you have signed in for free, you get immediate access to all our activities and resources. You can also use your personal profile as your business card. By showcasing your interests, skills and recent projects, you make it easy for like-minded people to find you.

The story behind the Freelance Journalism Assembly

The Freelance Journalism Assembly was born in 2020 to empower and connect the freelance community in Europe. The programme is run by the European Journalism Centre with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2020, the Assembly brought together more than 1.700 freelance journalists from 47 countries through 13 training sessions and more than 180 mentorships that provided the freelance community with tools and skills to improve their coverage. Did you miss our training sessions? No worries! You can check out the recorded videos here.

Collaboration is the overarching topic of the Assembly. In that spirit, the EJC is joining forces with other organisations that support freelancers across Europe. We are proud of a growing list of partners who have joined our Assembly network. Together, we created a growing movement that is empowering the freelance community in Europe!



Ana Maria Salinas
European Journalism Centre

Journalist and political scientist specialised in human development | Managing the Freelance Journalism Assembly at @ejcnet