GamerHash partners with The Sandbox to bring 700 000 gamers to The Metaverse

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2022

There are certain kinds of news that are just a pleasure to be delivered. This is certainly one of them, a partnership with the leading crypto metaverses in the world — The Sandbox. We are happy not only to announce the cooperation but also the details of massive news. We are going to create game experiences (yeah, a plural!) in The Sandbox metaverse, with the first one already being made — TRAVERSE: Mars is Mine!

How did it all start: GamerHash & The Sandbox

GamerHash has been attracted to ideas represented by The Sandbox since the early days. Their world is not just its impressive map, but so much more because of the vivid communities that unleash their creativity together. It was a no-brainer to the GamerHash team to buy a 6x6 LAND parcel during one of the first sales in 2020. We wanted to be part of this revolution.

The GamerHash community consists of over 700 000 gamers globally who understand the world of crypto and mining. We believe that bringing them to the Sandbox metaverse is a great introduction to get hands-on experience on how NFTs, crypto, and metaverse work together — while having a lot of fun!

There is also another reason why our companies and communities are so close together — the geographical focus and presence of our communities. We are both visible in South East Asia and try to deliver the best possible crypto & gaming experiences, especially in South Korea, the country with the most gamers & crypto adoption (and therefore highest expectations to be met) in the world.


As mentioned above the beauty of The Sandbox lies within the thriving communities and creativity and this is why after more than a year of HODLing the LAND parcel we have started BUILDing on it, too. Thanks to the initial help of The Sandbox team in the process we are proud to say that we are the first Polish Studio developing and working in The Sandbox Metaverse!

“GamerHash has an active and engaged community of gamers and have found The Sandbox open metaverse to be a great playground for educating, rewarding, and engaging its members through the creative capabilities offered by our no-code Game Maker. It turned its ideas into reality and brought its mascot to life, making it possible to create expandable adventures its community can engage with, in true Web3 spirit.”

Sebastien Borget (COO) The Sandbox

“We have known The Sandbox team for quite some time thanks to our Blockchain Game Alliance membership, it’s always been a pleasure to work with them. The project is constantly pushing the boundaries of the metaverse, gaming, and blockchain. This is why at GamerHash we are very keen on working together to unleash even more of the creative power — especially with our very strong Polish Discord server with a growing community of builders for The Sandbox.”

Artur Pszczolkowski (CMO) GamerHash

More about our metaverse game and activities

Do you remember our brand hero Astro? He is getting his own story! Our first game in The Sandbox Metaverse will be about discovering places that he didn’t know ever existed! We will make use of the GamerHash Play&Earn module to incentivize the whole community to get to the new metaverse.

There will be a time factor included and other players (leaderboard), too so let’s get ready to roll and speedrun the hell out of the GamerHash map…

The game will be released in Autumn as we want it to be perfect as well as to bring value and fun to The Sandbox and GamerHash communities.

We are going to a new metaverse!

During the wait (summer) we are preparing many other fun marketing activities (also in Metaverses 👀) for the GamerHash community, so keep an eye on our social media! Very cool NFTs are incoming — you will get a chance to grab some useful NFTs from both GamerHash and The Sandbox ecosystems!

We are all about teaching and introducing our community to the benefits of decentralized gaming. We want to include as many metaverse builders as possible to hop on the Gamerhash creators team — you are all invited to join. Just drop us a message on Twitter.




780,000+ gamers share their GPU power to create a decentralized computing network. DePIN powered by GamerCoin GHX, supports generative AI & 3D rendering.