Metaverse gaming — understanding digital lands and property with GamerHash

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4 min readMar 29, 2022

If you have been following developments in the Metaverse space in recent months, you’ve got to admit one thing — the hype train started with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg changing the name of the Metaverse in October 2021. At the same time, other tech giants are already taking greater or smaller leaps into this emerging trend.

By many, the biggest rival to the Zuckerberg Meta is Microsoft. The company recently announced buying Activision — one of the biggest gaming studios in the world, which created the famous series of Call of Duty games. This decision of Microsoft seems like an obvious response to Meta — the metaverse can’t exist without the basis which was created by the gaming industry in the last 20 years. Seems like, with this move, Microsoft is getting ahead and is currently winning the metaverse battle without even announcing the full participation as Meta did.

There is also a third, more decentralised future where metaverses such as Decentraland, Sandbox, Aavegotchi will help us with the transition to the world of web 3.0. The founders of these and other Metavese projects are concordant — there is a need for better user data protection that Meta and Zuckerberg never really cared for.

This approach to the topic might help us to omit some of the most dystopian scenarios we might imagine about rapidly developing metaverse space. The decentralised metaverses are already quite popular, with millions of players daily they unravel the human creativity on the so-called LANDs and parcels whose ownership is secured by blockchain tech.

Real estate world coming to in the Metaverse gaming

The popularity of the land investments cannot be unnoticed as the two biggest metaverse platforms, so Decentraland and Sandbox have made a total volume of over $460 million in digital property! Fun Fact — the interest is there, and the „real world” estate investors and companies feel like they would like to have the piece of that cake, too. There are even REITs (funds that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate) being created for digital properties and lands!

Gaming examples of metaverse lands

Let’s talk about the lands in gaming metaverses with the example of The Sandbox experience — how to use them, where to buy them and why they are so popular! We are starting with The Sandbox because it’s one of the most popular crypto gaming metaverses out there, and the properties of the LAND there are commonly used also in the other spaces.

We also choose The Sandbox as an example because GamerHash has a 6x6 parcel and is preparing a special experience there as part of our gamer education program of the blockchain world for the GamerHash community! 👀

Land use cases in metaverse

Each LAND is a non-fungible token (NFT) lying on the public Ethereum blockchain (ERC-721). It means that every 166,464 land parcel can be a unique place and might be owned and creatively developed by gamers.

Here comes the first and the most important use case. Playing the game, and developing your own world! It might be even more interactive than in Minecraft! With the use of the ASSETS (you can find them on OpenSea), you can differentiate your lands from others and bring out creativity.


On your own land, you can be only limited by your own mind. With the use of the VOX Edit assets creator, you can create trees, houses, animals, and much more — you can animate them to create a more advanced ecosystem.

On the other hand, there’s a Game Maker who brings out the endless creative possibilities of the metaverse layout creations. All the above-mentioned tools are no-code so using them is simple and easy.

If you would like to try out your skills in metaverse creation, let us know on Discord, or Telegram — you wouldn’t be disappointed as we are creating right now something special for the GamerHash community. If not, we are still happy to help you in the creation of something special on your own land — just let us know and let’s discuss it together!

Creating an experience worth visiting

By creating an inspiring experience or a game, you can increase your land value as well as charge others for the fun provided in your parcel. The charging can be done in the in-game currency $SAND and it can be a payment for the action-adventure, platform game, AAA Game, NFT gallery, or concert hall — the possibilities are endless!


An important part of owning the land in The Sandbox, as well as other metaverses, is to have an actual influence on how the game will be developed by the possibility to take part in the DAO.


In blockchain-based metaverses, lands have a very important role. It’s your personal temple of creativity — you can use these forces to create something fun for others, in a way that will bring you additional income, or both ways at the same time. It’s up to you!
We are strategic partners to Sandbox, Aavagothi, and Nemesis 👀 so we definitely know what we are doing. The GamerHash team and community on our social media channels might help you with the development and creation of your own metaverse world ideas — just let us know on social media channels!




780,000+ gamers share their GPU power to create a decentralized computing network. DePIN powered by GamerCoin GHX, supports generative AI & 3D rendering.