October Community Update #2

Michal Adamski
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2020

Hi guys! How was your October? For us, it was AWESOME!

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic holding strong in Europe we still have some good news to share with you. In this October Community Update, we would like to show you the current state GHX coin developments as well as news about GamerHash in general.

What happened last month?

Soft cap

First of all some great news — Soft Cap is reached! Why is it so important? It means that launching the GamerCoin is OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED. The $1,150,000 were raised quite fast and the Hard Cap seems definitely possible. Seems are approaching the end of the sale!

Bad Crypto Podcast

Our CMO Artur Pszczółkowski was invited to talk about GamerCoin and GamerHash future plans at Bad Crypto Podcast. One of the co-hosts Joel is a gamer himself and mines crypto on his PC and can earn up to $420 a year in BTC! Quite interesting topics in this episode so you wouldn’t like to miss that!

GamerHash in South Korea

If you have been following our plans for the Asian market and more specifically South Korea expansion, you probably know that this is a market where GamerHash would like to have more presence. Therefore, we are happy to say 안녕하세요 (Hi)! The Korean version of the GamerHash website and GamerHash App are now available. Stay tuned for Korean Play&Earn Tasks — we are preparing something special!

Of course, a new language version of the website is just beginning. Yet GamerHash in Korea is already getting traction. There are already bloggers writing about us!


Ravencoin has been available for mining in the GamerHash app for some time now. If you have the app installed you might have been mining it too. Recently we were added as a B2C partner on Ravencoin mining pool website, thanks! https://ravencoin.org/pools/

10 000 downloads of our mobile app!

GamerHash app is great. Period. End of the story. Anyway, since last month even more than 10 000 people know that. Thank you for your trust and good reviews!

If you haven't tried it yet, check it out. With GamerHash app you can monitor your PC mining and future earnings as well as buy products from the GamerHash Store. What is more, you can even pay for groceries with it!

Our community is thriving!

You should visit especially our Discord channels. A lot is going on there. Discussions, giveaways, support you name it! Why don’t you join one of our competitions and win a game? The last time it was Fallout 3, but next might be something else, like Cyberpunk 2077 (maybe it is going be live this year ;)). So time to join!

Sorry to say, but if you don’t join our discord you might not win!

Here is an invitation link to the PL and ENG discord versions:

ENG: https://discord.gg/wav5YcTU
PL: https://discord.gg/z5T9Vrsb

At the same time, it’s a cool time to join our community on Telegram — we got some great and creative people there. Hats off to the member named Modecom and his friend TheCryer who created some GHX stickers such as the one below:

Feel free to create and send us your stickers, too!

We have created some official GHX stickers featuring GHX astroman, too! Just add them to your Telegram with this link: https://t.me/addstickers/GamerHash

To HODL or not to HODL? That’s an easy question with GHX!

Interesting times incoming

As you can see October was quite special, but the real deal will be November and the launch of GamerCoin and GHX. This time we truly recommend staying tuned. Especially in the second part of the month, you might expect the token generation event and listing on the exchange! To make it happen right now we’re working 150% more than usual. We want to make the end of this year is rememberable.

PS. If we made this far we are going to share a secret:

  • We are only waiting to sign the last documents and final legal notices GHX, so seem ready to go without delays!

