There is More Than One Devil Disguised as Prince Charming

Don’t fall for the same tricks a second time.

Carrie Wynn
We Are Warriors


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Falling For It, Again?

Just because you escaped an abusive relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t have to take preventive steps to keep it from happening again.

In fact, the odds are likely that if you’ve been abused once you are more vulnerable to falling into a repeating pattern. After all, as they can be charming and deceiving — it’s entirely possible to actually be attracted to someone with abusive and narcissistic tendencies.

Normally there are plenty of warning signs. Most abusers will use emotional and manipulative tactics before a relationship becomes full-on abusive. To avoid this you have to be self-aware and be able to identify when someone is manipulating you and when you’re seeing past behaviors repeat themselves.

Although every situation is different, there are basic behaviors to be aware of to help you avoid falling down the rabbit hole a second time.

Identify early warning signs.

