Why We Care: Sept. 11 of 1973 Change Our Country Forever and USA Is To Blame

Ina Almasi
We are watching you
3 min readNov 29, 2016

The Cold War was not only between USA and the URSS, you see.

The third world took the worse part, I believe. While those two powerful opposed nations look at ugly at each other, they also were carefully looking what every other country do, and putting their hands on when they felt the need.

Now let’s go to 1973. Chile. The whole nation is in chaos because of the shortage of goods and food everywhere. The USA was so involved in that even pay factory owners to close their operations and whole unions to go on strike in order to put the democratically elected President Salvador Allende, who was a socialist, and their new policies were putting at risk at the 1% of Chile, who didn’t doubt about call their USA friends and ask for help.

Then our September 11 came. What a black day for every soul in earth. The military took by for La Moneda, our house of government, strike in it by air in their fancy new Hawker Hunters and their tanks, destroy the place and Salvador Allende took his own life instead of surrender.

The military took power in the form of Augusto Pinochet, who hold the power for 17 years, in which he -helped by the CIA- crushed everyone who could represent a menace. More than 4.000 people died and more than 40.000 people was incarcerated and tortured by the military forces and the police (and you’ll see different numbers in the wiki is just linked, that’s because that are only the ones the government has officially recognized). There are no official records about how many people escaped the country.

We lost almost every liberal thinker. Every artist. Every journalist with balls. Every person who tried to have a voice. A whole generation lost.
We didn’t even have so many of their bodies of mourn.
Those ones who escaped death didn’t escaped violence.

The raised a fear so strong that still hasn’t go away.

And the USA not only supported logistically and economically the dictatorship. They even let permission to commit terrorist attacks in their own land and having one of their own citizens as casualty.

Augusto Pinochet died at 2006 with never standing a trial for his terror acts. Almost the whole bunch of his minions are running the same luck.

Also, to get absolutely secure to get rid of that stinking marxism, they send a bunch of guys to study this new thing called neo-liberalism under the wing of Milton Friedman, so they can return to put it into works. In the 17 years of terror their were free to install the model just how they learned on the books.
Now we look for the rest of the world as a blossom economy but we suffer an inequality so rooted in our system that this last 26 years of democracy, instead of shaking it, it has making it worse.

To secure everything, they made a new Constitution for the country. In 1980. They put their shiny well puzzled laws to fuck everybody except themselves.
And in 26 years of democracy we still haven’t a new one. The right is to powerful and they looooooove the dictatorship legacy, even when they are not aloud to say it now.

I’ll probably in the future expand in many of the things I wrote above.
Everything that happend in that 17 years shaped our country in a way that still hasn’t change. That control that was handed in 1973 hasn’t gone away.

Ina Alasi is a writer living in Santiago de Chile. Trying to make a living by freelancing for a woman’s mag and make the world a more beautiful place to live by working also as a gardener. Her current dreams are being a screenwriter and making comics.



Ina Almasi
We are watching you

Chilean writer making an effort to write in English.