Let’s Become Children One More Time, For Our Children!

And for us

John Mwakalinga
We Code & We Write


As kids, we were free, yes, we were limited by the boundaries set by our parents, but we were mentally free. We would spend hours running around laughing for no special reason and cry at the shortest disruption of that moment. We would try to achieve miracles with the toys in our hands, attempting to enact stories that only our imagination was the limit.

In my late twenties, I still have some of the memories from my childhood, although very faintly, I can still recall how it felt to play football with the other kids the whole day, getting very dirty, screaming to the last breath of our lungs. I would run fast and wild, and not get tired, only a bit disappointed when the ball went between the two stones behind me, a meter apart, far too often. I was full of life and full of joy.


As an adult, I don’t have the same freedom. Unless I get paid to do so, I can’t spend the whole day running around kicking the ball because it brings me no joy, and it is a waste of my valuable time. I can’t play with toys or spend time having fantasies because I have real problems to solve, and real bills to pay.

I carry responsibilities now, I can’t take as many risks as back then, I carry my own burden of consequences, which were abstracted…



John Mwakalinga
We Code & We Write

Developer. A bit biased to Laravel, JS and TS. I write about software and life topics. 🇹🇿. Checkout https://whenprogramming.com