Aardwolf reaches out for volunteers with Mozilla’s 2018 Global Sprint

Sean Tilley
We Distribute
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2018

Aardwolf is a newer project in the fediverse space. Billing itself as a federated Facebook alternative, the platform is built on Rust and powered by the ActivityPub protocol. The project is still very much in its early days, but is already generating a following.

A pre-alpha UI as shown on the wearesocial.space instance.

Aardwolf intends to participate in Mozilla’s Global Sprint, a global 48-hour hackathon starting May 10th. The project is looking for volunteers of all skillsets, ranging from designers and coders to people who can help with documentation and give the project greater visibility.

If you want to join in on development, check out the hacker’s guide! The project’s community channels can be found here:



Sean Tilley
We Distribute

Editor of WeDistribute. Obsessed with Free Software and Decentralization. Also makes things, sometimes with Elixir.