A Six Years Growing Old Report

One woman’s aging and injury effects.


Unsplash Elderly People Screenshot 4 22 24. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/Elderly-People

I was never old until 2018 (I was born in 1956). Before that, I was so well and so youthful that I didn’t need a doctor. My family thought I would be well all my life. I did too. I lived as though immortal while I performed certain acts of exercise, eating, working, and sleeping. Religious moments! Living healthy was a part of my religion.

I had the energy to do almost anything, including healing rapidly. I felt like some kind of superhero. But, that all stopped in 2018. I could feel my energy amount available to do stuff failing. My energy level was getting smaller in amount. That’s when I contracted pneumonia. I thought, oh no big deal. I’ll get right over that. I had always gotten over diseases fast in my lifetime. I didn’t even mention pneumonia to my family. But, this particular pneumonia kicked my butt. I was on the couch for two weeks, but it took a full six weeks for me to recover and go back to work. Wow. Not.Like.Me. Things changed dramatically again in 2020. First, I took a 12 step fall down a set of wooden stairs. It took me two years to get over the damage to my right hip that I incurred during this fall, more about why below. Fortunately, my skeleton was strong and I came out fine there — thanks medical x-ray. My skeletal results were definitely the results of a lifetime of exercise of two…



Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.
We dream first the morrow, then we live it

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.