
All that stuff running down out of the sky.

Unsplash Hard Rain Down Screenshot, 4 21 24. https://unsplash.com/s/photos/Hard-Rain-Down

There are forces at work that none of us can deny.

Getting older and losing the capacities available to us in our youth

are two. There sure are more. They pile up and hug somewhere in their growing puddle

on the ground. Then the rain comes.

But, it also goes. The days roll by. The sun comes down. We have lived for 300,000 years as a race

all around us too.

The rain is coming down now. All the things we see.

All the things we don’t see.

Pexels Hard Rain Down Screenshot 4 21 21. https://www.pexels.com/search/Hard%20Rain%20Down/



Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.
We dream first the morrow, then we live it

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.