The Brownian Motion Hypothesis of Social Behavior

We are all particles of mind bouncing around in the container that is our Society


Image: Pixabay

Brownian motion is a natural phenomenon described by physicists including Albert Einstein. Particles of various sizes contained within a fixed structure at fixed temperature, pressure, and stimuli bounce off each other in patterns that become random over time.

Human minds are particles of varying sizes that exist within Earth’s environment.

We are constantly jiggled by each other’s motion, and the motion of all other particles that range from quantum to our solar system’s objects at all times.

Each society provides the overall container within which human minds jiggle against each other.

Leaders of all types are large human mind particles that affect the bounce among the rest of our minds.

If you are a woman in a patriarchal culture, the stimuli that go along with being constrained to an artificial environment that is dictated by local…



Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.
We dream first the morrow, then we live it

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.