10 ways to ensure women’s safety at workplace!

We for Culture
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2021

Women time and again have experienced hostile environments at their workplace in every industry. Their safety and its issues are discussed and debated all around the globe. Still, every year the number of reports on sexual harassment increases at an alarming rate. Gender-based harassment, violence, and discrimination are pervasive practices affecting millions of female workers worldwide. This does sideline not only their security but also their career progression.

Consider the following statistics:

  • More than 50% of British female workers have faced sexual harassment at work.
  • 38% of women surveyed in the United States said they were sexually harassed at the workplace.
  • 69% of women have been harassed in a professional setting.
  • 70% of workplace sexual harassment victims don’t report it.
  • 36% of organizations don’t offer sexual harassment training.
  • 72 % of women have been harassed by someone senior at their workplace.

Statistics like this are worrying, indeed. Workplace harassment and violence against women will continue to haunt employers unless they are willing to take strict action. Although various countries around the globe have enacted laws and laid down rules to ensure occupational safety and prevent gender-based harassment or violence from making workplaces safer for female workers, compliance on the part of employers is less than half the battle won.

Organizations today need to find various ways to make systematic and cultural changes at their workplace so that women feel safer. Here are ten ways to ensure women’s safety at the workplace.

  1. Create Awareness:

Creating awareness among the employees on women’s safety and health is vital. You can use all possible techniques and ideas to spread awareness. Workshops, open group discussions, or activities can help create awareness of women’s safety in the workplace.

2. Strict Sexual Harassment Policy

The organization should ensure a zero-tolerance policy to end sexual harassment. The policy should include points like:

  • What constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace?
  • The consequences of misconduct.
  • How can a woman file a complaint in case of an occurrence?

Such policies should be passed across every employee in the organization. Training programs can also be held to help everyone understand better.

3. Create a Safe Space for women to express:

Usually, women who face or have faced mental or physical harassment don’t speak up. Hence, it is essential to create an environment that encourages female employees to come out of their discomfort and speak up. It is vital to boost their confidence by implementing equal opportunities for male and female workers. This, in return, will help them in fighting the social stigma.

4. Hire and Promote More Women:

Hiring and promoting more women at your workplace creates a safe and positive environment for every woman in an organization. Cases of harassment are less likely to occur where women hold positions of influence.

5. Hold Quarterly Meetups:

Organizing a quarterly meetup for all the women in your organization can help create a safe space and a women-friendly workplace. This will also help bring the female workforce together and give them a chance to know each other better.

6. Anonymous Feedback:

Often, women would not be comfortable talking about something they feel uncomfortable about, and it could be something they’ve been through or something troubling them. Having a platform where women can share their issues, views, or highlights anonymously will help them feel comfortable and safer.

7. Having a well-equipped restroom:

It is high time we start acknowledging that women are physiologically different from men, so organizations must consider their needs. For example, having a set up for sanitary napkins and other essentials at a workplace restroom can help women feel comfortable and relaxed in a state of urgency.

8. Offer Sexual harassment training:

It is essential to have a sexual harassment training program in your organization. This will help women protect themselves without external help and know-how to take care of themselves in case of an emergency. Organizing self-defence training classes once a month can go a long way in women protecting themselves.

9. Creating an Internal Complaint Committee:

Organizations should have a credible Internal Complaint Committee consisting of board members and managers. According to, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (“POSH Act”) has made ICC compulsory for both the private and non-private for women’s safety on sexual harassment.

10. Appreciating your women workforce and going the extra mile:

Providing equal growth opportunities and appreciating your women workforce help build a better and safer working environment. Making sure you have flexible working hours for new mothers, maternity leaves, child care, cab dropping facilities, or surveillance cameras at your workplace can help women feel valued and essential. For organizations with hybrid work culture, it is imperative to ensure that communication is only restricted to office hours.

We are sure these steps will help create a safer environment for women at your workplace.

Now it’s your time to create a better workplace for women…!

