What does culture means and how it gets built subconsciously?

We for Culture
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2021

Work Culture — The Concept

There is no textbook definition of the term ‘work culture’. It is more of a feel of an organisation’s personality, the employee cohesiveness, synergy, and workplace aura. It is a set of employee mindsets, interpersonal relationships, attitudes, and the collective work ethic of the organisation’s employees.

Work culture dictates the workplace atmosphere and affects how employees work towards the common goal of the organisation. How do you think companies get rated amongst the best places to work? Is it their pay package, employee benefits, or simply a strong work culture?

Work Culture — Toxic or Healthy?

Work culture can be toxic or healthy depending on how employees perceive the workplace atmosphere and interpersonal relations. A toxic culture, needless to say, fosters mistrust, toxic competition and decreases productivity.

A healthy work culture, on the other hand, promotes cohesiveness among employees and brings them together so that they can work collectively to achieve common goals. Successful organisations promote a healthy workplace culture for employee happiness that results in improved productivity and profitability.

Characteristics of a healthy work culture

Healthy work culture is said to be one that exhibits the following traits:

  • Accountability — every employee is held accountable for their work.
  • Equality — all employees are treated equally without any prejudice or bias.
  • Happy Environment — the general workplace environment is happy, energized, and productive.
  • Communication — there is easy communication between employees.
  • Recognition — employees are recognized and appreciated for their hard work and efforts.

Importance of a healthy work culture

Most organisations strive to achieve a healthy work culture because it is crucial for the organisation’s growth. Here are some reasons that establish the importance of healthy work culture:

  • Attracting Talent

Today’s employees look beyond the pay package when selecting an organisation, work culture forms an important parameter on which organisations are judged. According to a study by Jobvite, 46% of job seekers give importance to company culture when choosing an organisation.

  • Reducing Attrition

If employees are happy with their workplace, they are less likely to switch jobs. This creates employee loyalty and reduces the attrition rate, thereby reducing the attrition costs of the company.

  • Enhanced Profitability

The success of a business is directly and indirectly linked to its work culture. As per research conducted by Deloitte, 88% of employees and 94% of executives believe that work culture plays an important part in business success. When employees are happy working together, they have enhanced motivation and productivity, factors that drive the profitability of the business.

Fostering a positive workplace culture

Organisations can take various steps in fostering a healthy workplace culture like:

  • Conducting employee engagement activities
  • Recognising and rewarding employees
  • Prioritizing employee wellness
  • Strong leadership
  • Creating an environment of learning and development
  • Conducting team-building exercises
  • Establishing clear lines of communication

Toxic workplace culture is terrible both for the employees as well as the organisation as a whole. So, it is imperative to promote a healthy work environment where employees are valued, understood, and heard.

Employees are the backbone of every organisation, and if they are mentally and physically healthy, they can contribute to the growth of the organisation. So, endeavour to put your employee’s needs first, and success would follow.

