Getting a placement at Grey

Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team
1 min readNov 18, 2016

You’ve been writing earth-shattering strategies on the bus. Finding a new use for an old piece of technology to sell toilet paper. And that silly little side project just broke the Internet. Sounds like you’re ready for a book crit.

Drop a short, sweet email with a link to your website to:

If you don’t hear back straight away, don’t despair, we’re probably on a pitch and will get back to you when we can. If we don’t get back to you after a couple of weeks pester us gentle with another email.

When we offer you a time slot to come in please try and make it. We’re giving up our time to see your work and don’t appreciate tricky calendar customers or god forbid the last minute post-poners.

Not scared off yet? Drop us an email. We’re nice really.



Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team

I write ads and run the placement scheme @GreyLondon with @Emily_Churches. I say my a’s the Cornish way.