Hired: Matt & Georgia

Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team
1 min readAug 22, 2017

We hired another team. In record time. Round of applause for Matt & Georgia.

All those crits and weekends were worth it. A very happy (emosh) Georgia & Matt

They’d already done time on the placement circuit separately with their previous partners before teaming up. Together they’ve been on placement at WCRS, Lucky Generals and Mother. All of that experience showed in their seriously impressive book.

It took less than a month for the creative powers at be to take note. I think it was a Friday M&S brief due on the Monday. Rather than moan or decline, they took the opportunity and smashed it. Their craft and drive was obvious come the review on Monday morning. You’d be surprised how quickly news of a great creative review spreads around an agency.

So a massive congratulations to an amazing team; Matt & Georgia. Very well deserved.



Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team

I write ads and run the placement scheme @GreyLondon with @Emily_Churches. I say my a’s the Cornish way.