Hired: Max and Charlie

Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team
1 min readApr 13, 2017

We’re so happy to announce we just hired Max and Charlie.

Mojitos and contracts for two very talented junior creatives.

The boys came to us 6 months ago fresh from Watford and a stint at Creature. Most student teams have some great stregnths but also a few weak points that need time and experience in agencies to address. From day one it was obvious that Max and Charlie were the full package.

Their ideas are great. They work smart (and hard). They’re professional. They’re mature. And they’re lovely.

We can’t wait to see what they do in the years to come.

Watch this (extremely tall) space.



Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team

I write ads and run the placement scheme @GreyLondon with @Emily_Churches. I say my a’s the Cornish way.