Matt and Georgia

Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team
1 min readDec 16, 2016
Georgia and Matt

When we’re looking at student creative teams we don’t expect to find the finished article, we’re looking for raw talent. If a team shows insightful, strategic and ballsy thinking we can forgive an execution that’s a little well trodden or a tech idea that wouldn’t actually work.

And then one day back in September Matt and Georgia came into Grey to see Emily and I. We were blown away.

Their strategies were insightful, clear and clever. Their executions were originally art directed. They had ideas that would make a splash at Cannes. Ideas they’d made happen. And amazingly, none of this genius had gone to their heads. They were dead nice.

I honestly don’t think they’re capable of a bad idea. Everything they showed us was interesting, considered and entertaining. If you’re a student team go pour over their book: If you’re an agency; we’ll fight you for em’.



Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team

I write ads and run the placement scheme @GreyLondon with @Emily_Churches. I say my a’s the Cornish way.