The art of politely pestering

Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team
2 min readFeb 15, 2017
Hi, can I have a book crit please?

There’s no rhyme or reason when it comes to contacting creative teams. Sometimes they reply straight away and others you get the feeling the team have moved to Mexico and forgot to put the out of office on.

Here’s the POV from a creative in charge of a placement scheme in a busy agency.

In short, we will always try to reply to every email. Ideally within a week. But here’s the thing. When your email lands in our inbox on a morning we have two reviews, a debrief, a book crit and our ECD just emailed us some feedback signed off with “go do your thing”, we might struggle to reply.

A busy day is commonly followed by another busy day followed by a busy week. So when you don’t hear back from that nice team that emailed you back before or even met you in person, don’t take it personally. Learn the art of politely pestering.

If two weeks goes by without a reply, drop the same message again with a “we emailed a couple of weeks ago but guessing you guys are stacked” note at the top. If you don’t hear after another couple of weeks send an email that says what you want to say in no more than one or two sentences.

It’s not that we’re horrible people, we’re just very busy creative people. And seeing as creative people aren’t famed for their organisation, you’ll have to bear with us. Politely pester.



Stevie Rowing-Parker
We Know A Great Team

I write ads and run the placement scheme @GreyLondon with @Emily_Churches. I say my a’s the Cornish way.