3 Ways to Write Through Mood Swings

Jackie Williams
We know what we know
2 min readMar 14, 2017

When mood swings and depression hits, it’s a gaping hole I can’t climb out of. I can’t think about getting out of bed, let alone writing.

Through my two year writing journey however, I’ve picked up a few hacks to write when I’m experiencing a mood swing.

1) Morning Pages are Golden

What do creatives Julia Cameron, Brian Koppelman, and Tim Ferrris have in common? They, like many writers and original thinkers write morning pages to start their day. Morning pages is journaling three of stream of consciousness pages first thing in the morning.

I’ve never been much of a morning person, but research has shown journaling, particularly in the morning helps individuals better cope with stressful events, relieve anxiety, and boost immune cell activity. This is the perfect solution when dealing negative thoughts.

At the end of the day, you can read over your pages- you may find some hidden inspiration.

2) Receive and Accept Guilty Pleasures

As avid readers and writers, there is a crippling urge we have to write all the time. But when I’m in a mood swing, I can’t think of anything more satisfying than watching rapper, Cardi B.’s music videos. And it’s perfectly OK.

Creatives draw inspiration from anywhere and anything, why not your guilty pleasures?

3) Tell Yourself You Are Not Alone

With many working full time jobs on top of writing , it can feel isolating when you don’t feel worthwhile. But you’re not alone. I think this reassurance in the form of affirmations is essential to get through those difficult days. I have an index card I keep on my desk that has three affirmations I repeat to myself:

1. I am enough

2. I am not alone

3. I have the strength to take the next step forward

When experiencing negative thoughts and mood swings, these steps are an important way to stay connected to your inner self, your body, and your purpose in life.



Jackie Williams
We know what we know

Storyteller | My musings on thriller and horror writing, hip-hop dance, and creativity. Subscribe to my newsletter: https://jackie-williams.net/newsletter