Why Do I Write? Simply, Writing Allows Me To Love.

Jackie Williams
We know what we know
2 min readMar 4, 2017

Writing is your inner child’s favorite blanket, warming and spooning you at night.

Journaling through my anger and frustration of my parent’s divorce, writing consoled me. Mailing letters to my father in Iraq, writing gave me hope. Sending messages to my first crush in seventh grade and to my life partner 20 years later, writing made me laugh and giggle.

I write because it is Godly. The closest way to connect with Him is through the written word. As God works through every individual, and every person has a story. He works through me to illustrate his prose and exhilarate my own emotions over essays and stories that need execution. His power reflects on my keys as I type with anticipation and delight of what’s to come. To know God is to write.

I write to know myself. Writing warps you deeper and deeper into your mind. I have stumbled upon different personalities, egos, and neuroses eager to come to life. When they are on paper, I see their beauty. And it excites me for the work that lies ahead. The ability to connect with these characters and stories leads to more human connection and belonging, what we all seek in this life. Writing is a craft that makes us, human beings- human.

Writing allows me to love.

Feel free to share why you write in a comment below :)



Jackie Williams
We know what we know

Storyteller | My musings on thriller and horror writing, hip-hop dance, and creativity. Subscribe to my newsletter: https://jackie-williams.net/newsletter