Understanding Violence with Cary Reid

From the Short Course Series

Jaya Ramchandani
We Learn, We Grow
3 min readJun 22, 2024



Everyone is aware of how destructive violence is and we all want less violence in our world. However, violence is usually not physical and we are not always aware of all the ways in which violence occurs. This course will help you to become aware of the ways in which violence affects us all and the ways in which we may contribute to violence. In this course you will

  • understand the different kinds of violence — direct or structural or cultural
  • be able to identify violent actions, structures, and cultures
  • learn how strategies to transform violent actions, structures, and cultures
  • become self-critical of your own violence as well as supportive of others and know when to “call out” offenders vs “call in” partners


The course sessions will be online on Zoom or Google Meet. Contact us to commission a date and timeline.

Recommended age group of cohort: Between 16 and 65 years of age

  • No. of sessions: 04
  • Session duration: 60 minutes
  • Course capacity: 20
  • Time commitment (session hours): 5 hours (min)


We will begin by crowdsourcing a set of case studies from participants. We will investigate these case studies and try to understand the extent of violence. The course will be filled with discussion and reflection and questioning our roles. Your assigned homework will be to practice (how to) engage with a conflict case study.

Prior Requirements: Willingness to learn and expand your perspective


Cary Reid has been engaged with teaching peace & politics in various contexts for about 12 years: having taught global politics to high school students in the United World College movement in India and Japan, taught Peace & Conflict at the Harbour School in Hong Kong, and taught an international negotiations course at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. Prior to teaching, Cary served as a diplomat in the Jamaican Foreign Service and represented Jamaica at the United Nations and the European Union. He opened the Jamaica office of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Health Access Initiative and worked with partners to introduce point-of-care HIV monitoring testing to Jamaica and the Caribbean. After working in Jamaica, he helped the Clinton Health Access Initiative to change the malaria treatment landscape in southern Africa. He also staffed a peacekeeping mission to Jonglei, South Sudan, to end the inter-tribal violence that put the viability of the new nation in jeopardy months after independence. He brings a holistic view of education to his teaching practice and he believes that it is essential that we, as educators, put learners at the center of their learning experience.


To receive the certificate of completion, you need to attend 75% of the sessions.


We offer a sliding scale of contributions as we are open to members from both the Global South and the Global North, or somewhere in transition. While we ask you to look inward, please don’t stress about it. Pay what feels right. We offer three levels of pricing (per person):

  • $99 for Global North and some Global South
  • $59 for Global South and some Global North
  • FREE for those who need it to be free

Let’s get started. Contact us to commission a date and timeline.

