Brooklyn Lager

Natalie Wiesnet
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2019

Happy 2019, We Like Tall Boys readers! Both Erin and I are super excited about the plans and goals we have for the bloggo this year, and we’d like to thank you for sticking with us on our journey. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs over the last two-ish years, but we’re really excited for the love you guys have been showing us on social media in 2018. We’ve really stepped up our game, and we’re even more excited for cool stuff in the works for 2019. Not to get you too excited, but there may be some sort of merch in the process that we’re making ourselves. Like, how freaking cool is that? Also, it’s definitely the most Natalie and Erin thing you’ve ever heard.

Anywho, back to beer. We’re starting off 2019 with one of my all-time favorites, so raise a glass to the new year and new WLTB reviews!

Beer Name: Brooklyn Lager
City and Country of Origin: Brooklyn, New York
Year Created: 1988
ABV: 5.2%
Cost: $8.99 for a six-pack

Taste: The first sip of this beer tasted like, well… beer. To me, lagers are what I always thought all beers tasted like when I was too young to drink. It tasted good, though. A bit of maltiness, a bit of hoppiness, and a good mix of carbonation made for a very enjoyable first sip. In my opinion, Brooklyn Lager is always super smooth and easy to drink. It was also pairing really well with my cheese and rice cracker plate that Keller and I were eating before dinner.

Brooklyn Lagers is one of the favorites among myself and my cousins because one of my cousins used to live a short train ride away from the brewery. Because of that, I feel like I always remember having Brooklyn Lager at family gatherings since I could remember. Good times…

How Do I Feel? I feel solid! The brie I’m eating tastes really good with this beer, Thor Ragnarok is on, and I’m overall feeling very full in a good way. Brooklyn Lager is one of those beers that’s a good kick-back beer, and that’s exactly the vibe I was going for this evening.

When To Drink Brooklyn Lager: I’ve always associated Brooklyn Lager with summertime and football season, but that’s by no means the only time to drink this one! I’d say if you’re looking for an affordable, good tasting beer to have one or two of, Brooklyn Lager is a good choice. I’ve perused the Brooklyn Brewery website and they say it pairs well with comfort foods like pizza and fried chicken, and I 100% agree with that.

The taste isn’t so overwhelming that you can’t drink it with certain things, but it’s flavorful enough to mix well with a lot of stuff you may normally eat. So I guess what I’m saying is, you can drink this beer all the time and it’d be a super solid choice.

Overall Rating: 8.5/10 The cost, taste, and availability all come together in Brooklyn Lager to create a nearly perfect beer choice. While it’s not super adventurous, you can rest assured that Brooklyn Lager is always a good stand-by if you’re in a pinch and want a six-pack of something that would be a crowd-pleaser.

What should we try next? Leave them in a comment below or slide into our DMs on Instagram (and give us a follow while you’re there). We love when y’all give us suggestions or just chat with us in the comments.

We hope you had a happy holiday season! Check back with us next week to read what Erin’s been up to.



