Natalie Wiesnet
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2019

I’m not going to lie, WLTB fam — the last couple of weeks have kinda kicked me in the face (hence the lack of reviews. My apologies). Between work, a lot of freelance stuff, and playing an instrument for a couple of hours a day, multiple times a week… sometimes you feel like you just need to kick back and relax with the tallest of tall boys.

And that’s exactly what I did this past Thursday.

Beer name: Founders All Day IPA
Brewery, city, and country of origin: Founders Brewing Company in Grand Rapids, MI
Year created: The first batch of All Day IPA was created in 2009, but it wasn’t packaged and sold until 2012
ABV: 4.7%
Cost: $1.99 for a tall boy

Taste: Before taking my first sip, I decided to take a whiff of this tall boy. It smells like a typical IPA — kinda bitter but also kinda good. Much like the first sniff, the first sip tasted like the IPAs that I know and love. I got a rich, hoppy, and bitter taste. Erin would describe this bad boy as “skunky.” What I’m always surprised about with All Day IPA is how clean it tastes and goes down, even though it’s an IPA. Don’t get me wrong — your girl LOVES IPAs, but sometimes they’re kind of hard to drink at a pace other than a slow sip. Not the case at all with the Founders All Day IPA.

How Do I Feel? I feel kinda torn because while I love the taste of this beer, I did a horrible job of pairing it appropriately. Tonight my dinner consisted of chocolate chip pancakes and sausage links — probably not the best idea to pair a sweet meal with a bitter beer (tbh, I really don’t recommend the combo — it’s very weird).

That being said, I feel stoked to be drinking this beer that Erin said is A CLASSIC (direct quote, all caps used) and reviewing this beer for the bloggo.

Since this beer is an IPA, I definitely felt a tad woozy after I had a couple of really big sips before I started eating. You definitely want to eat something when you’re drinking an IPA… or at least my tiny self needs to.

When To Drink All Day IPA: I’m a strong proponent of this being the beer you get when you’re catching up with friends and want something to sip on over a long conversation. That’s definitely my go-to time to order the All Day IPA. Other than that, I recommend drinking this beer during sporting events, at a kick-back with buddies, or truly any time you want to get a little buzz on. And since this beer is offered year-round by Founders, there’s certainly no shortage of occasions on which to crack open a can of it!

Overall Rating: 7.5/10

Now that Erin and I are both done with our super busy weeks (hopefully), we should be getting back to our normally scheduled #ThirstyThursday WLTB posts! So get excited about the upcoming reviews, fam.

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