Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

Sometimes when A is headed to the grocery store, I’ll holler,

“Can you grab me a pack of tall boys? Anything will do.”

And she always COMES. IN. CLUTCH.

This week’s brew is the High Boy from Independence Brewing Company. It’s a charming can design, with a combination of my favorite colors. I got to enjoy this on a chill Friday night with friends over good conversation and Bananagrams.

A poster from the House of A & E.

Let’s dive in.

Beer name: High Boy
Brewery, city and country of origin: Independence Brewing Company in Austin, TX
Year created: 2004
ABV: 9% (WOO! Das a doozy.)
Cost: $10 for a 4-pack

Taste: This double IPA smells like a dank IPA but drinks really smoothly like a lager. My buddy Kea took a sip and promptly concluded that “This tastes like expensive dirt.” That was a little harsh but let’s be fair. Usually IPAs are really pungent and leave you with a wince and a dry mouth. This one doesn’t! My thought? Maybe the citrus cuts through the bitter and leaves you thirsty for more.

How do I feel: Set the scene: It’s a chill night in the house and the only illumination I have in the living room are sparkly fairy lights. A candle is lit. Soft pop is floating from the Google Home. Chill homies are chillin’ playing board games. This beer is a fingertip-kissing icing on the cake. I am pleased. Also, there’s nothing more satisfying than popping off the first beer of a pack and cracking it open with endless possibilities as to what it may taste like. That is the beauty of this blog.

When to drink a High Boy: The High Boy is a fun beer meant to be shared. After enjoying the first can, I took the rest of the pack to work for our Friday Beer Day. My buddy Slade and I alternate providing brews for our team (mostly each other) that we crack open after 4pM. The can art and good vibes radiating from a Tangerine tall boy is solid to share with friends.

Overall rating: 9/10. Highly pleased with this brew. Would snack upon them again. It’s a local artistic compliment to the Austin beer scene. I’ll be coming back for this one sometime soon.

Thanks for reading yall! Independence Brewing, if y’all like what you hear, invite us over for a beer and we’ll interview you in exchange for swag and good company. We were stoked that Montucky Cold Snacks sent us tees in the mail.


Follow us on Instagram for daily drinks and make sure to comment what you think our next review should be on! Until next time.




Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys

Rallying the entrepreneurial thinkers of the continental United States. We ascend together.