I Can’t Drink Beer Anymore

Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Dear readers,

It’s almost been a year since my last publication. A lot has happened since that last post: I got out of a long term relationship, I traveled around the world, I quit my old job, I got my very own apartment, I got a promotion, I started dating a cutie from high school… So many things.

Finding light in moments with Horse and Steph

But most relevant update to this blog is this:

I can’t drink beer anymore.

Around October 2019, my anxiety disorder flared up. It was from a combination of stresses so in addition to the suggestions from my doctor, I began a lifestyle change. That included cutting out inflammatories from my diet.

My panic attacks had very weird triggers and one of them was from eating food. I would take one bite of something and I would immediately clench up my muscles, hyperventilate, and be antsy for half an hour. At first I thought it was allergies. But my doctor said I didn’t have allergy symptoms. I was having a psychological reaction to eating. Inconvenient, right?

He said that a common contributor to anxiety was problems in the gut. Things that I eat can make my tum tell my brain to react with anxiety. So he said to cut back on inflammatory food.

I have a very carb-heavy diet because I have an incredibly fast metabolism. I used to eat a lot of bread, spaghetti, and wheat-based products. So I decided to cut out gluten. I immediately felt better.

Unfortunately, that means I cannot consume beers.

Fortunately, tall boys contain things other than beer. I’ve been drinking a lot of hard cider, y’all.

I hope that posting this will shake the dust off this blog and we can review some more bevvies. I’m sure Natalie will continue to contribute her beer findings, and I’ll get creative. The tall boy industry is ever changing, y’all.

I know this is a tough time for everyone, and we’re all rediscovering our creative outlets. This one is my favorite so I can’t wait to bring it back.





Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys

Rallying the entrepreneurial thinkers of the continental United States. We ascend together.