Natalie Wiesnet
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2017

Let me paint the scene for you: Central New York, late April, 80 degrees, and during a campus-wide party day at Syracuse University known as Mayfest.

What’s Mayfest, you ask? Basically an excuse for the entire student population to relax on the Friday before Finals Week with a beer (or seven), and a full day of awesome live music shows. Needless to say, it’s a pretty lit experience if you can remember it the next day.

And it just so happens that Erin has returned back to the land of the Orange so of course the first thing we do is pop open a tall boy of Labatt Blue. Because Canada. And because Cuse. But mostly because Canada.

Very stoked about this tall boy.

Beer Name: Labatt Blue
ABV: 5.0%
Origin: Toronto, Canada, eh
Price: $5.99 for a six pack of tall boys (eyyyy)


Since Erin and I were both together for this review, we thought we’d review the beer in a tag-team sort of style. She and I will both share our conclusions of this magical beer below, notating Erin’s voice with an E and Natalie’s voice with an N. And since Erin will be in Cuse for the summer, we’re probably going to start doing most of our reviews this way. Just as a lil heads up, friends. Okay, ONWARD!

How’s the taste?

E: The overall taste is sort of like a watery bread-like, cheap beer taste. It’s also got a slightly bitter aftertaste. Definitely tastes a little diluted. But don’t get me wrong. I like it!

N: For me, I taste the classic cheap beer taste like Erin said — easy to pound with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Not too bad, though.

How do you feel?

N: Gassy (is that weird?). When I drink Labatt Blue, I really have to burp a lot, and that’s not a super normal thing for me when I’m drinking beer. I think the carbonation of this particular beer adds to that feeling of gassiness and having to burp after every sip.

E: *too busy laughing at Natalie to respond*

Rating: Erin says solid 7, Natalie says 6.5

E: After a long day of Mayfest, the tall boy was rather satisfactory. It was a good replenisher, like how water is after a long day of being outside. Tall boys of Labatt are definitely the way to go, especially because of the price. I just feel very satisfied. This tall boy definitely hits the spot after work or after a workout. It’s a kickback beer, not a turn up beer.

N: Labatt Blue is one of my overall favorite cheap beers. It’s not too watery, not too overly flavorful, and not too expensive, either. It’s also sort of a cult favorite of Syracuse and Central/Upstate New York residence as this is a Canadian beer. It really does hit the spot, and it’s the perfect companion for outdoor hangouts, tailgating, and summer cookouts. And for the price, you definitely can’t beat the Labatt Blue.

So what do you think about Labatt Blue? Drop your comments, opinions, or share a beer you think we should review in the comments below! And stick around — with summer coming up, we’re turning up and turning out more beer reviews on a regular basis.

Natalie & Erin

