Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

It’s the national beer of Texas! Why has it taken me so long to review this iconic tall boy? To be perfectly honest, I would buy some cans and then consume them all before the thought stopped me to take notes for a post.

Flaws aside, we’re here now. Sometimes we have to be in the PRESENT.

I got off my bike, removed my helmet, and dug this out of my backpack for this pic.

Beer Name: Lone Star Beer
City and Country of Origin: San Antonio, TX, USA
Year Created: 1884
ABV: 4.65%
Cost: $5.67 for a 6-pack of 16oz tall boys

Taste: The price and popularity of Lone Star stands comparatively with PBR. After a quick Wikipedia search, I found out that the name “Lone Star” is owned by Pabst Brewing Company, aka the casual iconic beer company. And that’s the vibe I get from Lone Star. It’s light and clear, with a pleasant amount of carbonation. The smell reminds me of lightly toasted bread with butter and honey smeared on top. There’s a light and lingering PBR taste but not sweet or creamy like PBR. The aftertaste reminds me of the slight skunkiness of Stella Artois. Seems like this beer is a combination of many beers!

How Do I Feel? I feel the Texas spirit in this beer! At first I was a little confused about the can, because usually, Lone Star is in a tall white can with its red logo in the middle. This can was strangely camouflage. I took to the internet once more and found out that the “Lone Star Brewing Co. announced the rollout of its annual ‘camo campaign,’ one of the brewer’s most popular promotions with broad appeal to outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen statewide.” How very rustic!

When To Drink Lone Star? Lone Star is best enjoyed chilled. Its flavors speak the strongest the colder the beer is and since it’s a light and clear beer, it’s refreshing on a hot Texas day. I usually drink Lone Star when I want a chill bevvy with some tacos or when I want something light at a dancing party. That’s me, but according to Wikipedia, here are some appearances of Lone Star in pop culture:

  • Detective Rust Cohle, played by Matthew McConaughey, drinks a six pack during his interview in True Detective. The beer can also be seen numerous times throughout the first season.
  • Beer of choice for Tim Riggins in NBC’s Friday Night Lights
  • Actor and Country Singer Christian Kane references Lone Star Beer in his song, ‘American Made’.
  • This beer is also presented in almost every bar scene of the sixth season of The Mentalist.

Overall Rating: 7/10. The beer itself is iconic, but the flavor flaves aren’t iconic to me. I wouldn’t be able to distinguish Lone Star in a blindfolded taste test. I appreciate this beverage but it’s not my all time fave.

Do you like tall boys too? Smash the Follow button on our mad fresh Instagram account for daily stories of our beverage journeys and for updates on new happenings! Also our pictures are mad pretty.

What should we drink next? Hit a comment below or let us know wherever you can find us on the internet. Until next time, friends…




Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys

Rallying the entrepreneurial thinkers of the continental United States. We ascend together.