Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

DISCLAIMER: Natalie wrote this and I published it because she has limited access to a computer. She is consistent with her content which makes her the best ever. Read this in Natalie’s voice, ok?

Nothing says “Super Bowl Sunday” like kicking back and watching a mediocre football game, drinking some beer, and eating way too many snacks. Like most of y’all, I ventured to my local Wegmans on Saturday evening to gear up and pick out some libations for the next day. I wandered down the beer aisle feeling uninspired until I saw a BIG BOI of Red Stripe lager on a shelf. I couldn’t pass up this amazing opportunity to purchase one beer that would tide me over for the whole game.

This was not sponsored by Nintendo but we are more than happy to do that.

Beer name: Red Stripe
City and country of origin: OG Red Stripe was brewed in Galena, Indiana. The company ended up selling the recipe to some British investors who then took the recipe to Jamaica where it is still brewed
Year created: 1928
ABV: 4.7%
Cost: $2.99 for a one-liter bottle or $8.49 for a six-pack

Taste: The more beer reviews I do, the more I realize that most lagers are pretty boring in terms of flavor — unfortunately to me, Red Stripe tastes pretty bland. While there definitely is a flavor, I feel like the carbonation is most of what I taste. If I really try, I feel like I can taste a subtle hint of sweetness and nuttiness. There’s a medium-light golden color to the beer which makes me want more of a punch of flavor, but alas, I didn’t get it. If I were to describe the taste of Red Stripe, it would be “mellow.” In the end I just feel pretty burpy… and disappointed by how uneventful this football game is going.

I then asked Keller what he thought of Red Stripe. Here are his thoughts:

K: I… I don’t have the proper vocabulary to explain how it tastes.
N: Do you like it?
K: I’d rather have the Labatt Blue I’m holding.

Case closed. Bring in the dancing lobsters.

How do I feel? I feel slightly disappointed, I’m not gonna lie! Red Stripe was one of the very first beers I drank when I turned 21 and I definitely thought I remembered it tasting better. Maybe my palette has just become more refined after almost 5 years of beer consumption and hundreds of brews tasted, but this is a bit of a letdown. It’s not like Red Stripe tastes bad by any means — I just thought it tasted better in my 21-year-old naïvety.

When to drink Red Stripe? This would honestly be a good drinking game beer. It’s better tasting than most of the really cheap beers you’ll spy at any frat party, while still being cheap enough to buy a couple of six or twelve-packs. Also it’s nice to spice up a drinking game beer selection from Natty Lite and PBR (no shade on either choice, though. You guys know more than anyone else how big of a fan of PBR I am).

Overall rating: 4.5/10

Overall Super Bowl game rating: -8/10

What are you drinking this Valentine’s Day? Leave it in the comments below or slide into our DMs over on Instagram. While you’re there, give us a follow so you can catch some awesome photos, can appreciation shots, and overall silly photos of Erin and myself drinkin’ all the tall boys.





Erin Miller
We Like Tall Boys

Rallying the entrepreneurial thinkers of the continental United States. We ascend together.